
Preparation And Talent Is How NY Travel Photographer Captures Award Winning Photos

By Lonnie Hahne

Photography is a combination of preparedness and artistic talent. A photo taken by a leading photographer captures the essence of a place, culture and those who live there. New York City is home base to many of the top artists. They do, however, spend much of their time on location. The NY Travel Photographer worthy of top prize in this genre is sensitive to all nuances plus is fully knowledgeable about the optimal lighting.

Taking photos outdoors is a challenge due to fluctuating lighting conditions that must be taken into consideration. Rainy weather can delay a deadline being met. He or she will have to react quickly or miss an important moment that will not happen a second time.

Professionals working in this genre have their work published in National Geographic. Practical ways to earn a steady income include leading photo tours for aspiring young photographers. They work for travel agencies to shoot the beauty of a sandy beach and the exterior appeal of a fine hotel.

Real estate agents and architects will take advantage of their talents to advertise homes for sale and architectural skills for hire. There are prizes awarded for photojournalism and spot news photography among others. These are some of the most prestigious awards a photographer can aspire to winning.

There is a famous and familiar photo named Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. Back in 1945 it won a famous award. This was a once in a lifetime shot of a significant historical event. Another award winner on location for the Boston Traveler took four pictures from a plane over the ocean. They captured the tragic sinking of the SS Andrea Doria.

These award winners brought experience and artistic talent to where they snapped these photos. Each was a prime example of being in the right place at the right time. No second opportunity would be given. Their alert reaction and readiness helped win the prestigious awards for pictures that could never be taken again.

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