
Decorating With Los Angeles' Abstract Artists

By Kenneth Smith

Art has gone through many periods, when certain things were in style. Abstract art is more modern than the realistic art of the Classical, Middle, Renaissance, and Romantic ages. However, it's been around long enough that homeowners have learned its value in home decorating. Modern furniture does blend with still life studies of fruit or flowers, or with landscapes complete with happy cows and fluffy clouds. However, the work of abstract artists really sets the contemporary tone.

For example, an artist could use hot reds and yellows to bring to life the feeling of lying on a beach with your eyes closed, seeing the blaze of light through your eyelids and feeling your blood coming to the boiling point. Of course, you might not discern that. You might think of a desert or of the energy of the sun which makes life on earth possible.

Abstract art comes in all colors, themes, effects, and sizes. This makes it easy to decorate with. You can find a small piece for your hall or the bathroom, as well as a majestic work for hanging behind the couch or over the fireplace. Objets d'art look good in the kitchen, makes a statement on a wall that you see as soon as you walk into a room, or brings color to a dim corner that otherwise might be unremarkable.

If you have a major work that you value highly, you can hang it and actually create the room around it. You will want to choose lighting that focuses attention on the picture without distracting from the comfort and functionality of the room. You will need to use colors that reflect the dominant ones in the picture or make a pleasing contrast, depending on how dramatic an effect you are aiming for.

Even in an older home, modern art can be effective. There are some wonderful studies of flowers that give the impression of color or leaf texture, maybe by focusing on a detail that is recognizable once someone points it out to you. For example, roses are bright, familiar flowers, but an accurate drawing of their shape is not necessary to bring out their beauty. An abstraction of flowers done in watercolors can look wonderful in a colonial or a Victorian home.

That's another point. Pictorial art comes in many mediums, so you can choose an oil painting, a watercolor, or a pastel. Even a pen and ink drawing is an effective accent for a room. Prints of a famous or a favorite picture are inexpensive ways to bring color and beauty to any room in your house.

Artists of the Los Angeles, CA area seem to come in every degree of talent and imagination. A piece of driftwood or a fanciful mobile created from beach glass might be the perfect finishing touch for your home. Your own taste should guide you to find something that expresses you as well as the talented person who created the object.

There are many ways to use art in your decorating scheme. Whether it's a painting, a fabric creation to hang on a wall, a hand-made rug, a statue, or a photograph, art can bring life and character to your personal spaces.

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