
A Handy Guide To Creating A Great Art Portfolio

By Betty Edwards

Applying for a prestigious arts school or a university with an esteemed arts program is a great idea if you plan on becoming a professional visual artist. However, a core prerequisite for any student application is the inclusion of a well curated portfolio. And to know the steps you need to complete in order to achieve this goal, you should read the following points below.

Your first order of business is to determine the specific submission requirements of the schools that you are applying to. You need to know whether they want applicants to submit essays on advanced color theory or video documentation of their previous works. Knowing such details will give you ample time to prepare everything that you must check off your list of things to do.

Pick up and pencil or a pen and start drawing on a sketchbook to flesh out your initial ideas so you may have visible points of reference. Even when you are working in the field of three dimensional mediums like sculpture or installation art, drawing still helps to visualize your concepts. Sketch out some studies until you have something worth making into a project.

A good rule of thumb to follow is creating works of art that pertains to your emotional or mental states at the time that you conceptualized the pieces. Look deep inside your mind or your soul to channel your thoughts and emotions into a pure distillation of your talents as a visual artist. People can relate more to you if you truly expose yourself into the work you created.

As a suitable alternative, you can make do with exploring conceptual ideas that you do not usually go for. An admissions panel is looking for individuals who are unafraid to challenge themselves in bold and new directions when it comes to expressing their art. As such, you would be wise to employ some innovation and originality in your works.

Even if you happen to work in multiple mediums, you should try and focus on your particular core strength so others will see your distinctive signature as an artist. For example, if you happen to be exceptionally skilled in photography, then feature more of your photos alongside your three dimensional works. Never forget to apply a critical editing eye when selecting choice pieces.

Before submitting your art school application, you should think about having professional artists critique your work so you could gauge their opinions. Expect to get frank and objective criticism, so do try to remember that they are judging your pieces and not launching a personal attack towards you. Learn to control your emotions when confronted with tough commentaries.

And in relation to the previous statement, you should be brave and confident enough to defend your artwork when you are called for the applicant interview. It helps to be articulate and assertive when discussing the various elements relating to your pieces. Even if they may have contrasting opinions, they will respect someone who is fully committed to their work.

The challenges you will face when applying for a coveted position in an esteemed art school is rather intimidating. But when you submit your exceptionally edited portfolio as advised by the tips listed above, you might just have a good chance at being accepted. Always remember to follow your heart but also to never allow your ego to get the best of you.

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