
Why Illusion Exhibit Are A Popular Form Of Art

By Betty West

Art has evolved a lot over the last millennia. The art forms that were created by cavemen in the Stone Age are very much different from what is seen in our art galleries today. All these art forms have one thing in common; the fact that they all create an illusion that depicts a different realm of reality as we perceive it. One of the art forms you are likely to get from an illusion exhibit is what is known as hyperrealism. Here is what you need to know about this art form.

Hyperrealism is the creation of an image, a simulation or an aggregate of images that either distorts the reality they want to depict or fail to depict any reality at all. Umberto Eco goes ahead to term it as the creation of authentic fakes such that the conscious will have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy; for instance when magazine editors use software to airbrush pictures of models making them perfect. This is a growing trend in art, music, and even film.

One example can be seen in the Ron Muecks artwork which is a sculptor that knows how to bring this hyper-realism into more sense. Through his skills, he can modify any display together with creating jarring pictures. His work has also been showcased in most known museums in the world today, and his popularity cannot go unnoticed.

Among his very catching sculpture is one of a baby immediately after its birth. The sculpture is detailed in such a way that one can see blood and also the afterbirth. However, the sculpture is quite big compared to the size of a common baby thus making it look a bit exaggerated. There also exists a sculpture known as the dead father. For a moment, one can mistake it for a real corpse.

The artist went to the extent of using his hair to make the sculpture illustrating how hyperrealists strive to represent a version of reality, though distorted. Other works by hyperrealism artists include mask, Girl, and wild man. All of them create a certain illusion out of the reality as it is normally perceived.

When thinking about illusion art, a story of a kingdom where a map was made with such detail that it was equal in size to the kingdom is a good illustration. Later the kingdom crumbled and the people had to live on the map. This example best explains the trend in the media where reality has been stretched so much that it is difficult to differentiate the real from the not.

In the film world, actors can be seen in scenarios that are hard to happen in reality. However, the film looks so real and viewers enjoy them. Some even try doing such at home but all in vain since they lack the technique and technology that make the films look real.

If you happen to be one of the people who enjoy illusions as an art form, it would be great to take time and visit one of the museums where the artworks are displayed. There is variety to choose from, ranging from sculptures to paintings and much more.

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