
The Main Oil Painting Techniques Used In Modern Art

By Christine Ward

Oil painting is one of the most popular forms of modern art. The technique involves the use of pigments produced from various seeds that include, among others, poppy seed, linseed, walnut and safflower. The paints may be developed by the artists themselves or they may be bought from commercial art outlets. If you are just starting out, there are a number of different oil painting techniques that you may wish to try out.

Layering is one of the techniques that you may consider as a beginner. As the name suggests, this technique involves the applications of different paints on the canvas in layers that overlap or overlie each other. Lighter colors or shades of a color are applied first to create the background and then allowed to dry before the addition of the denser colors. The method is usually used when great detail is required in finishing a work of art.

Glazing is another way of creating great pieces. When one intends to demonstrate the transparency of an object, they apply a transparent color over an opaque one. Glazes are generally used to modify various aspects of a paint such as the hue, the texture, the chroma and the value among others. If you wish to give the impression of a transparent glass, make sure that your paint color is pure. Contrasting colors should be added last so as to add density.

Color intensification can be easily achieved using oil paints. The idea is to create different shades of the same color. This is achieved by diluting the paint in various stages. The background contains the most diluted density such that it contrasts with the denser objects in the foreground.

Just as is the case with many other forms of painting, it is possible to achieve color blocking using this technique. This can be done easily using diluted brush strokes and following the outlines of objects in the paintings. This technique makes it possible to clearly define the edges of objects without necessarily using thicker paint. Use the same color that are used inside the object.

Chiaroscuro is a technique that has been used for many years. It is mainly used when there is a need to bring volume to an object. The main consideration when applying this technique is the application of light and dark contrasting to demonstrate the movement of light across the object. Choose a neutral background and ensure that the shadows are completely black.

Monochromatic painting is a technique that is employed in many forms of art and may be employed in this type as well. It entails the use of a single color except in a few cases where white paints may be included. Dilutions are usually done to have a wider variety of shades. The role of the white color when used is to add volume and emphasize the lighter shades.

Various brush stroke sizes can be tried out in a bid to differentiate various aspects of the painting. Generally, long strokes are mainly used when dealing with the background while the shorter strokes are best used for foreground objects. Small and large dots may also be used to bring out different effects. Irregular stroke patterns are sometimes used to enhance color.

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