
How A Voice Over Works

By David Reed

Nowadays, one of the most important skills to learn in production is editing. One of the most important editing skills to learn would be how to do a voice over which is a sound editing and video editing skill. With the very high expectations that people have for videos and sounds, it is very important for editors to learn voice overs.

Of course, when one is a beginner at editing, the first thing that he will ask himself is what do voice overs entail. First of all, they would entail a good sound editing software that will allow one to put an audio file over an existing audio or video file. These few tips will show people how this process is done.

Now, the first thing that one would have to do is learn why this kind of editing skill is very crucial to learn. The thing about sound editing is that one has to make sure that the final output is of good quality by masking everything that was of bad quality in the previous clip. One can work with both video files and audio files for this kind of job.

When one knows why this process is important and how it works, the next thing to know are the tips on how to actually do it. First thing to do is to examine the sound or the video clip first and check out the parts that need fixing up. Once one has already studied the parts, the next thing to do is to bring the recorder and the microphone and start recording the part to mask over.

Now, the next thing that one can do is download a really good sound or video editor wherein one can upload the newly recorded file into the existing file. The great thing about video and sound editors is that they can both do this. The great part of all of it is that it is very simple to do and not at all complicated.

The third step is to now upload the existing file in the video editor. This is of course if you want to put in an extra sound file into the video. First, one has to upload the video into the editor and then put the sound file right over the part that needs masking.

Of course, the same thing can be done for the sounds as well. One of the best sound editors that can be used is Audacity because this is one of the most user friendly of all editors. Another great thing about using Audacity is that one is able to use the editor to fit the recorded audio file into the existing one.

Basically, this is how voice overs work and how to do them. This process is very important in sound or video editing because it makes sure that the final output is actually of really good quality. So if one would want to enter a good career in production, it is crucial to perfect these two skills.

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