
The History And Steps Behind Photo Manipulation

By John Richardson

It is possible to play around with printed photos by any means changing their real appearance. The process is called Photo Manipulation which makes them look different is done in many ways for different reasons. Depending on the needed result, some requires know how while others do not need it at all.

They are considered immoral since are used for deceiving the viewers especially in media and propagandas. This can also be done to make it look more attractive on the eye than the actual thing. The manipulation can be done on human images, animals or any other kind of a portrait.

When this task has been tackled, the professional is able to rearrange everything on the snapshot to change the meaning it is called the art form. This is because they can change the appearance, dressing, facial expression and even the nature of the picture to something unique and personal. Changing the background picture requires the operator to add the light or lowers it to show the picture was taken during the day or during the night.

The process of adding or reducing light on a snap can be done manually by brushing ink on it in dark house. For a faster Manipulation of any picture, you need to use the computer since it is more perfect and quicker than manual. A professional can extract you from a group picture and edit it to the desire of the customer by manipulating it anyway possible to achieve the client wish.

The evolution of picture Manipulation is dated back in the 19th Century during the times when there were no cameras and the snaps used to be taken on tins and glasses. This process was discovered by Joseph in 1825 and he did so after he took his first photo. He produced his first portrait from and engraved plated when Heliography was invented.

Back in 19th Century, many people did not know the theory behind it and its production. Slowly, the art started to move from manual to digital and the people started accepting it in 20th Century.

Although at the beginning of this technology people did not take it seriously, in 21st Century the technology brought about the digital cameras. They were far better compared to the last model they had. The digital camera size and weight has made many to embrace it since they could curry them anywhere with no notice. Their picture quality were batter and attractive that before making them to accept it.

In politics, it has been used to convince the viewers about statements used by a certain politician. This is because a small change in a picture of someone can change how you judge them. These manipulated photos can also use then to destroy a certain politician reputation especially when manipulated to destroy the picture or image in viewers mind.

In the media, journalists make use of portrait manipulation to fit a certain picture of place, item or person on the front page of a newspaper. They use this task to compare two things hence making them seem too distant from the other despite the fact the two are close.

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