
What You Need To Know About Picking Ballet Classes Los Angeles For Your Child

By Cynthia Thomas

Finding the right class for any children's activity can be a challenge. If you don't know much about an activity you may worry that you are not picking classes that are a good fit for your child. If you are interested in enrolling your child in ballet classes Los Angeles, here is what you need to know about picking a good class for your child to participate in.

Ballet has been around for hundreds of years. Many of the terms and names for different positions and steps are in French. This is because much of this art form was developed in France. It has since split off into other teaching styles including Russian and Cecchetti.

One of the most important things to look for is a studio that has classes that are geared towards your child's age and experience level. Some steps and moves are extremely physically demanding and if a child has not had the right training or they are not physically strong enough they can injure themselves very badly. A good teacher will watch their students and be able to tell whether or not they are able to handle more advanced techniques.

Certified teachers are an important thing to look for. You may want to ask about what teaching courses they have taken and how long they have been an instructor. You want to make sure that their background is specifically in ballet rather than in other dance forms.

It is a good idea to talk with your child as well to find out what they want to happen as a result of taking classes. Some kids want to be able to have fun and get some exercise while others want to make a career out of being a dancer. The classes that will be chosen for each of these situations are completely different. It is important to know how involved your child wants to be since a class that is too intense may be intimidating for your child.

Where a studio is located is also important. There are studios all over Los Angeles and finding one located near where you live is always a good idea. If your child begins to really enjoy dance you may find that you are enrolling them in an increasing number of classes. Being able to travel back and forth from a studio quickly is good if you do not want to spend hours in traffic each week.

You may think that expenses will be limited to clothing that your child will wear to class and perhaps a costume that they will wear in a recital or performance. You may be surprised to learn that there can be other costs as well that you may not anticipate. These can include competition fees and dance exam fees. A studio may also charge you for extra practice sessions or individual classes. You need to ask about all of the fees at the beginning of the year.

You may want to look online for dance studios or speak with other parents about where they send their child. There tends to be a lot of emotion and strong feeling linked to a dance studio especially if a student is competing or is heavily involved in dance so be prepared for some strong opinions. You may also want to visit different dance schools and see what they have to offer to make sure it is a good fit for your child.

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