
Discover What Is Happening At 801 Hill Nightclub Guest List

By Joshua Johnson

Young people who spend a lot of weekend nights in nightclubs are familiar with the term guest list for night clubs. Everyone else might think it is like having a party and these are the names of people you invited. This situation is a little different. For example, 801 Hill Nightclub guest list means that this particular nightclub will let you in if your name is on their checklist of names for entry that night. It is not a matter of showing up on a Saturday night, getting in line and getting ready to pay your cover charge.

The process is somewhat similar to making a reservation. However, to ensure your place on this checklist of names, you may have to commit to a bottle service, which starts at around two hundred fifty dollars and goes up to fifteen hundred dollars. This would include reservations for a table, so you would not be expected to consume all the alcohol you purchased by yourself.

It can be demonstrated with this scenario. Mr. Stu Smith contacts the nightclub and asks to be added to the guest list for three hundred dollars. He will get a table for himself and three of his closest friends, which includes three bottles of alcohol and one somewhat expensive bottle of wine. Mr. Smith tells the nightclub that his friends are Ms. Suzie Spade, Mr. Joe Jones and Ms. Molly Miller.

Now all four of these people are on the guest list. When they arrive at the club on the appointed night they say their names and present their IDs to the bouncer. Only Mr. Smith has paid. His three friends have not paid, but they will be included thanks to Mr. Smith. There could be a line of two hundred people waiting to get in, but the names of those people do not appear on the checklist. So they have wait their turn in line and hope to get into the club.

This is the kind of club that includes entertainment. With two dance floors, a rocking DJ and some sexy go go dancers a party is about to happen. The club will alter the entertainment for a private party who books the entire house.

Some people may recall the glory days of Studio 54, with Andy Warhol and the gang. The nightclub industry would like to recreate this genre of nightclub. There has to be an element of exclusivity, where not just anyone can get in. Having your name on the guest list is a status symbol.

This area in Los Angeles is a hot spot for young night clubbers who want to be seen and noticed. You probably would not want to take your grandma. That is okay. She probably would not want to go anyway.

For people who are not on the guest list and still want to get in, the odds are in your favor if you are young, female and pretty. Also, you need to be appropriately attired. Do not show up in jeans. Arrive in high heals, a short, tight skirt and something that shows a little cleavage. This is the new culture for nightclubs, or the new old culture reinvented. The nightclub 801 Hill is taking reservations now for New Years Eve 2016. Party on!

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