
A Step By Step Guide On How To Draw Scenery

By Lisa Perry

Making a sketch of some scenery is going to be extremely beautiful because it would show how the artist would perceive a certain view of scenery. Now if one would really want to capture something on paper, then there would actually be ways on how to do so. With this step by step guide on how to draw, one will know the systematic way on how to go about.

First of all, one has to know the focus point of his scenery or the center point. For those who do not know what this is, this is basically the point of origin of the scene that one is going to sketch. One will also be basing all of the things that he will put in the drawing on this point of origin.

When one has already determined what his point of origin would be, then he has to mark it with a dot so that he will know where to base the drawn structures. Now in order to further make things easier later, he has to draw some lines that come from the dot. This is drawn lightly so that one will not have a hard time later on when he will be placing the structures like the buildings and others.

After that has been done already, then one must draw next the horizon line. Now if one is not familiar with what this horizon line is, basically it is a horizontal line that would separate the land and the sky. Now this is drawn to make sure that one will have a clearer picture as to where he would draw some of the structures that would seem further away.

Once all those lines have already been added, then one may already start drawing structures like buildings or some trees. The only thing that he has to remember that this focus point is where everything comes from with relation to the view of the artist. So if one would want to draw something near the focus point, he has to make sure it is small because it is not zoomed in. In a nutshell, one has to draw things smaller the closer he approaches this point.

Of course the biggest structures would be the ones that are farthest from the focus point. These would be the things that, from the point of view of the artist, are near him or zoomed in. So whenever one would create a scenery type of sketch, he has to remember these things.

Of course if one would want, then he may also add some shading to his drawing. Now if one would want to do so, then the trick here is to know where the light is coming from in the picture. Once one has already done that, he has to then shade the part that the light is not shining to.

So as one can see, there is actually a very systematic way of drawing scenery. If one would follow these steps in creating a portrait, then he will find things to be so much easier. It would always be easier to start out rough first and then go on to the detailing later on.

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