
Parents May Try Encouraging Students To Graduate By Providing A Place To Paint Pottery As An Elective

By Deana Norton

It is not simply the real housewives of Salt Lake City, UT, but their children who may want to seek a place to paint pottery, learn music, sketch, or sculpt. Some hobby stores offer classes in all of these activities, but there are also some retail businesses which have an area for the buyer to add their own personal touch to an item they bought. Even a store-bought item becomes more special when the buyer gives it a little something from themselves.

This is an activity that families can do together, in fact, and it is very beneficial to all members of the household. Teens get to perfect their artistic skills, tweens learn to focus on one thing for long periods of time, and young children work on motor coordination. Those find motor skills are going to help these youngsters as they learn to write.

Public schools are cutting out more electives these days, and forcing children to take only linear types of classes. Most people agree that the basic reading, writing, and arithmetic are very important lessons students should focus on. However, by removing the arts they are taking away what is, for some students, the only class they enjoy at all.

For many students, these electives are the only part of the school day that matters, and removing them will only discourage already frustrated students. The attrition rate in public schools gets higher and higher each year, and so-called experts all want to act like they do not understand why this is happening. It is obvious to anyone paying attention that students who struggle with the reading, writing, and arithmetic curriculum were still excelling in art, music, and often science or literature.

As time goes on, we are losing more and more intelligent young people to mediocre, mind-numbing jobs rather than them pursuing their own potential. While education and intelligence are not the same thing, intelligence without education will rarely get an opportunity to express itself in our society. When creative people fail repeatedly in a world fueled by linear-thinking standardized tests, they eventually give up on school completely.

What they are finding is that many of these activities may have been so poorly scheduled in schools so as to discourage students from taking it. By ramming in more classes, they can graduate others more quickly. By keeping standardized tests as part of their curriculum, teachers can focus all their attention to sending girls and boys off for "Creative education".

This push to get children into special education classes in order to grant them simplified tests, or no testing at all, has another edge to it known as Ritalin or Adderall. In the modern classroom, about 30% of the students are on some form of mind-altering medication in order to help them "concentrate". The fact is, by removing art, music, and physical education; they have created the perfect storm for active minds held captive to express themselves as active bodies.

Has a painting studio the power to keep a student in school through graduation, no one knows. However, it can grant them the opportunity to express themselves artistically, which builds a more well-rounded human being. Perhaps a child can endure the boredom of the Three Rs a little better if their parents provide the electives elsewhere.

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