
The History Of Christian Rock Charlotte

By Daphne Bowen

In the world of rock, one specific sub genre known went from very unpopular to popular over time when fans began to show their support. This sub genre is known as Christian Rock Charlotte and is one of the fastest growing sub genres of this kind of music. Not only has this kind of music grabbed a lot of young and old Christian fans alike, but this type of music has also garnered a lot of fans that are non Christians as well.

Now just to give people a quick background, the church has been very much against rock music in general because they believe that the influence of this genre of music was ritual music performed by the Africans. Of course at that time, most rockstars would sing about sexual themes or even violence during those days which made everything worse. Now during that time, there were some unconventional rockstars that decided to mix the genre up with some gospel lyrics.

Among the first bands to join this bandwagon was none other than the Crusaders. As they were the first to come out into the scene, they were not as widely accepted because of the beliefs of the church during that time. Eventually the band become more well loved by the public and then many other bands soon followed their example.

One of the people who really made this sub genre fly was none other than Larry Norman who eventually became the father of Christian rock music. His influence as a musician and as a composer became so great that he became the influence of so many bands that came into this sub genre afterwards. Because of this man, many more popular bands came into the spotlight and further boosted the popularity of this type of music.

Now if one would look at popularity, then probably the most popular of all the bands of this sub genre would be Stryper. Now for those who do not know, this band is a glam metal band that emerged as the most popular of all rock bands of this sub genre. Not only did they get the appeal of the Christians but they also got the appeal of non Christians too.

During the popularization of thrash metal bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax, one small Christian thrash metal band made its name also. Now this band is known as Tourniquet and they were said to be a thrash metal band that was at par with the big four of thrash metal that were previously mentioned. Of course they were not inducted into the big names of thrash metal because of their mix of genres in their music.

The nineties saw the emergence of so many more popular bands like Relient K, Skillet, and so many more. This sparked the growth of the sub genre by ten fold. The bands of this genre in fact reached the mainstream market and gained many non Christian fans.

This sub genre is definitely a growing one. The growth can be seen over the time because of the support that was given to the bands that carried the name. In fact, if one would go to Charlotte SC, many more news bands are emerging.

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