
Why A Wedding DJ In Oklahoma Is Better Than A Live Band

By Francis Riggs

One of the biggest decisions to make on your wedding day is whether to seek entertainment services from a live band or deejay. Either is a great option, and most times, it is a daunting task for couples to choose which one is the best. A wedding DJ in Oklahoma however remains a cut above owing to the reasons stipulated below.

Planning your big day can turn out to be exceptionally stressful. Many brides have to cope with the fear of things not going according to plan. As much as live music is considered a better choice because it involves real people on the stage, you do not what you are going to get. This is more so if you do not know the band and have never been to a number of their performances. Additionally, some bands are loud and only have one volume. Others may not be as good as you imagine which essentially means that you are stuck with a boring imitation of songs that you love and enjoy.

A nuptial DJ would also allow you to have your choice song played. Numerous couples resonate with a particular song that probably brought them together or one that reminds them of how fortunate they are when they look at their relationship. A DJ gets to play the song you desire and also enjoy the benefit of having it presented by the authentic artist instead of a version that sounds like an imitation.

There are no song limitations associated with a DJ as compared to bands. With a band, you are not guaranteed whether they will meet the results you would like. A DJ is loaded with an enormous playlist of legit songs that you may choose from and also able to deliver songs suitable for different age groups. The music could be customized to soft genre as everyone is eating followed by lively music that prompts everyone to shake a leg.

DJs have the much desired ability to get the crowd in a robust mood. This is because most have a personal character that has the ability to jump start everyone into a jovial mood. Unfortunately, a live band fails in this in most cases and no one is willing to hit the dance floor.

Live bands have to take breaks, which is understandable as they have to probably go to the bathroom. A nuptial DJ can keep going for hours on end without breaks. They also have a knack to seamlessly have one song flowing to the next without having everyone stop dancing.

In most cases, a live band is more costly. The reason behind this is the numerous people that are members of the band. They all have to be paid and this results in you having to pay more. In the case of a wedding DJ, the rates are cheaper because a single person can handle the job.

A wedding DJ also provides lighting and visual effects. The fun lighting turns the dance floor into a beautiful place and encourages everyone to get dancing.

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