
Sonny's Pianos: The Musical Terms To Know

By Katie Onson

Learning the fundamentals of an instrument can be a challenge, and it's one that is tackled in different ways. More often than not, people try to learn from others, uncovering a number of terms along the way. I am sure that Sonny's Pianos and others can say the same, especially when there are a number of definitions to be wary of. Even though this may be far from an extensive glossary, this is a good starting point that you may benefit from.

Melody - If you want to talk about the more basic terms, as told by Sonny's Pianos & Sonny Stancarone, this is one to cover. Melody, in its most basic definition, is a string of notes that follows one another in a meaningful way. When you listen to music, regardless of the instrument being played, you want to follow along and find that the tune is smooth enough not to be taken out of the experience. This is what any musician should consider when it comes to melody.

Tempo - There are many types of music which are speedier than others. This is where tempo comes into effect, as it is a term that refers to the pace of a particular work, meaning that pianists have to work even harder to create the best work possible. These individuals must be able to string notes together at a more rapid pace, which is nothing short of a challenge. However, for those who can, they will be treated with a more attractive presence of tempo in their work.

Virtuoso - As far as music is considered, this is a term that can be directly associated to "specialist." A virtuoso, as supported by Sonny's Piano TV and Sonny Dante Stancarone, is someone who is well-versed in the art of piano-playing, able to play a number of songs and possible teach those who would like to get involved in this endeavor as well. In the world of music, there are many positive terms that can be applied. "Virtuoso," without question, is amongst the most esteemed.

Hopefully these terms have given you a better understanding of what pianos are all about. While you may have been familiar with the basic concept of these instruments, it's safe to assume that you didn't know every little feature they possessed. As a result, a piece like this can be worthwhile, especially to those who are learning how to play. Discover as much as you can, apply it to your future endeavors, and you'll get even more out of this than you might have ever imagined.

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