
Sonny's Pianos: Advice For Beginners

By Katie Onson

Not everyone is an expert at something when they start. This is especially true with music, as there are different complexities and aspects that novices may not pick up until much later on. The teaching process can be made easier, though, which is where the likes of Sonny's Pianos can come into the picture. As a matter of fact, here are just a few pieces of advice that any and all beginners should be mindful of for the future.

If you want to learn how to play piano well, it's important to do your homework. One of the ways that you can do this is by listening to as much music as possible, which can come in various forms. Billy Joel and Elton John are just a few of the key examples which come to mind, as they often rely on this instrument to construct soundtracks and perform at concerts. This is just one of the ways in which you can complete the homework that's all but recommended by you.

What about knowing the type of musician you are? If you are confused as to what this means, consider that pianists usually fall into one of two camps. They are either really good at replicating songs by ear, without any kind of physical reference like paper, or must work off of said paper alone in order to play. Either style works fine, but you should think about incorporating both strategies if possible. According to Sonny's Pianos, this will help make you a well-rounded musician.

Finally, do not go too long without practicing. When you start anything new - this doesn't even have to be specifically associated with music - it's very easy to fall off of the proverbial wagon and stop for an extended length of time. When this happens, the skill you have possessed early on will become hazy, which doesn't exactly play well into the idea of rust. Consistency is crucial, according to Sonny's Piano TV and Sonny Dante Stancarone, so stick with it in the long term.

There's no denying the importance of music, as well as the work that goes into learning how to play any instrument. Aspiring pianists must be aware of the extensive level of work ethic that goes into this field, which cannot be denied. Even if you encounter a few proverbial roadblocks, do not become frustrated. Simply assess the situation, make alterations where you see fit, and you'll be back on the path of becoming the best piano player you can be.

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