
Sonny's Pianos & The 3 Most Common Variations

By Katie Onson

If you were to consult Sonny's Pianos, or anyone who knows about these instruments, you will know that there is more than just one subtype to take into account. As a matter of fact, there exist several variations, each with its own unique traits and appearances. However, you may be curious about why, specifically, they stand out from one to the next. Here are just 3 of the most common types that can be used to bolster your know-how on the matter.

If you're someone who is low on living space, yet high on musical interest, a spinet piano may be in your best interest. According to Sonny's Pianos & Sonny Stancarone, a spinet gives up somewhat stronger sound for a more compact physical build. Even if it may still appear large, it should be noted that this is probably one of the better options for those living in small houses, apartments, and the like. While there are other choices to consider, this is one to keep in mind all the same.

Let's say that you have a bit more money to spend, though; you may want to go with a studio piano. Many music teachers and instructors stick with these, primarily due to the fact that they can produce better sound than the previous option. It's also worth noting that, with the right degree of maintenance, these can last for quite some time. This is yet another option to look to, and Sonny's Pianos will not say differently on the matter.

As far as the sizable options are concerned, grand pianos are likely to stand out. There is no doubt as to why this is, one of the reasons being the horizontal soundboards they have, which many other options lack. What about the way in which they can produce sound which can work in any scenario, ranging from condensed classrooms to spacious auditoriums? To say that these benefits matter would be an understatement, so consider this option for deeper musical endeavors.

It's important to make note of music, as a whole, and the broad nature it possesses. Pianos are no different, especially when you consider points like the ones discussed earlier. You should be aware of what these entail, not only for your own musical knowledge but the idea of finding an instrument that you may consider to be the best for you. As long as the aforementioned points are covered, you'll be able to find an option that suits your needs.

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