
Sonny's Piano: Why Does Posture Matter?

By Katie Onson

When it comes to the factors which improve your musical ability, posture is often overlooked. This isn't to say that other factors should be disregarded, especially when given the fact that learning to play any instrument takes work. However, if you're someone who is looking to become a pianist, it's of the utmost importance to keep a strong posture. In order to help yourself, in this regard, here are a few of the crucial talking points offered by Sonny's Pianos.

There are quite a few methods to take up, as far as posture improvement is concerned, with easy exercise being one of the most prominent. Sonny's Pianos & Sonny Stancarone will tell you that this matters, especially when you consider how stiff the limbs of the human body can become. You are going to want to loosen them up, which can be done easily with just a few minutes of stretching. Even though this is one way to see improvements, it's far from the only endeavor to take up.

If you want to take matters a few steps further, you should think about the importance of yoga. Even though many people will attest to the importance of music therapy, the physical side of things will play into the improvement of your posture. Depending on your capacity, as far as intensity is concerned, this can be as simple or complex as you'd like. This is a long-term venture with a litany of positives, musical or otherwise, so don't hesitate to get involved.

Finally, Sonny's Pianos will tell you to not stay seated for extended lengths of time. Even if you follow the aforementioned talking points, the truth of the matter is that you aren't guaranteed success from a physical standpoint. As you train yourself, make sure that you stand up and walk around every hour or so. You may be surprised by just how helpful a few minutes of walking can be. To say that it'll benefit your posture would be an understatement.

If you would like to know the ways in which your posture may be improved, the aforementioned points are definitely worth discussing. You may feel like these will take some work to fulfill, which could not be closer to the truth. Any kind of personal improvement you make, be it physical or otherwise, will require effort on your end. Once you are able to fulfill this, however, chances are that you will see the level of success that you desire.

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