
Cuddle Up With Indie Movies Online

By Ericka Marsh

To be strict, any movie made in the United States but not by a bid studio can be categorized as an independent movie. To speak practically, it reflects a broad family, including almost any film that was made without the funding and connections enjoyed by mainstream Hollywood movies. Films in this family have an uphill climb facing them when it comes to distribution, even in New York or Los Angeles. People looking to enjoy these films should learn how to enjoy indie movies online.

From the standpoint of quality, one should bring certain expectations. The films aren't typically just low budget versions of the same old Hollywood formulas, but typically explore themes and techniques the can't usually be found there. They take advantage of the fact that they don't have to earn one hundred million dollars, and try to appeal to a smaller, more discriminating audience.

Perhaps the backbone of independent film is the indie filmmaker, often possessing a Master's degree from one of the growing number of film schools. Frequently, these films are also the work of undegreed, guerilla filmmakers. These types blur together almost seamlessly, with the latter group perhaps a bit more likely to emphasize genre like horror.

There are whole genres of motion picture that have almost no chance to make big box office just because of their nature. Documentary film is an obvious example. The documentary is a flourishing segment of the independent film community, important not just because of its unique power to address subjects Hollywood doesn't touch, but subjects that one rarely sees on the evening news.

Documentary films have become a weapon of resistance for the powerless living in untended corners of the world, places like Indonesia and Rwanda. At home, they have been a tool for giving attention to impoverished or otherwise marginalized groups of people. The camera counterbalances the advantage in resources possessed by multinational corporations and oppressive regimes.

The world of film school, consisting of graduates, faculty, and current students, naturally dovetails with the world of independent film. Accordingly, the websites that cater to the indie audience often carry those films students use to learn their art, whether "independent" or not. They frequently carry foreign language films, especially acknowledged international classics. They also offer silent films, which are ignored by the blockbuster-addled public.

Among the wonderful things indie films can do is make movies that help minorities see their lives reflected on the screen. The films can actually become a vital aspect of such groups' lifestyle, a pocket universe of media within the mass market. The LGBT community, eager to find screen romances that break the heterosexual mold, takes full advantage of indie movies' ability to give voice and image to smaller audiences.

Another community is made up of evangelical Christians and other traditionalist groups, including a new wave of Mormon filmmakers. These groups often feel that the values of mainstream, Hollywood media fare too rarely reflects their values, and are building their own media environment one movie at a time. The reasons to invest a little time, and possibly just a little money, finding independent films on the internet grow each year.

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