
3 Tips For Film Study Students

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

There's plenty to be said about film study, as a major. It's where students will be able to evaluate a number of different films, each of them with their own individual casts, camera angles, stories, and what have you. Each of these must be taken into account, when it comes to studying, as these will create some of the greatest mindsets imaginable. As far as educational help is concerned, here is a series of 3 pointers which may be proven useful.

To start off, make sure that you become familiar with the basics of any film. Some of the most common examples are the title, the director, and the cast. Each of these elements, while simple on the surface, will ensure that film study is carried out as effectively as possible. Sometimes it's best to have all of your basics in place and nowhere is this more apparent than in the film study process. For the sake of greater learning, don't forget this.

You must also go into any new film with a lack of bias in place. Maybe you're the kind of person who doesn't like romantic films, and yet has to watch a film in this very genre for completion of a project. While you may not be terribly enthusiastic about this endeavor, at the onset, you have to be able to approach an unfamiliar creation with as little bias as possible. Not only will you succeed more in film study, but you may actually enjoy the film being showcased as well.

Believe it or not, sounds are also necessary when it comes to evaluating films in their entirety. Soundtracks are created in order to create atmosphere in any movie, regardless of the genre it belongs to. When a horror movie needs an audio backdrop of sorts, music that indicates dread or nervousness will be the most effective. If you're going to look at a film in its entirety, it's of the utmost importance to look into how music and sound can be incorporated.

As you can see, there are many reasons why film study stands out. To me, it's one of the better classes that artistic students can take up, as it will help them better understand what movies are all about. As much enjoyment as we get out of sitting down and watching movies, I believe that it's just as important to look into how they are made to begin with. Film study will not only cover such an aspect but do so with tremendous detail in place as well.

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