
Why The Best Piano Lessons In Vancouver BC Are So Important To Your Kids

By Stella Gay

The piano is the most prominent instrument in Western musical tradition and has a long history of composition and performance. Even today, composers and performers use the piano instead of modern technology or high amplification. Kids traditionally learn the piano at a young age, so it is important to arrange the best piano lessons in Vancouver BC for them.

The entire repertoire of piano music is vast, and ranges from the much older classical compositions to the standard, anonymous practise pieces. Any technical facet of play is amply catered for. More specialized tastes in genre or style are also accommodated and piano students can seek out what they are looking for. Some instruments, by comparison, are only active in certain niche genres or historical composition eras.

Another aspect of the piano is the sheer range of notes that it allows to be used. All the notes are present on the keyboard, all the time. This gives the pianist the ability to construct chords that are not always possible on other instruments, or to create contrasts over several octaves. The popular guitar, for example, cannot match the density of piano music, since it only has six strings, or notes, available at any given time.

Piano music, also, is a suitable medium of public performance, whether in the home or at social occasions. It has the necessary power to cover the room and its wide repertoire also allows for a more democratic choice of the music to be played. It is more able to accommodate multiple players, too.

More broadly, music education is very important in raising kids. It has been shown by scientific research that brain development is improved and more substantial where the child is involved in music or practises an instrument. These improvements then influence other areas of their life.

Psychologically, they derive benefit from music too. Their playing elicits the approval and recognition of the people around them, and they learn about the relationship between effort and reward, or why they should take a longer-term view of achieving their goals in life. Technically, no instrument is easy to master and they learn to apply themselves on a regular basis to practise and for significant periods of time.

This recognition is not so important, but then it is part of the ability to perform or appear in public, even in front of strangers. Public musical performance teaches the child to present themselves in public or to participate in social events. The extreme shyness that some kids suffer from can be addressed or even alleviated through the performance in front of others of their practised pieces.

Competent piano teachers know all of this, and apply it in their lessons in Vancouver BC. Your kids don't have to be aspiring professional performers to enjoy the advantages of playing the piano. Their piano lessons will endow them with skills and experience that they can take with them into the rest of their lives.

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