
Enhancing Your Violin Wrist Position

By Aimee Schwartz

Since you have decided to be a violinist, then you should be committed to the goal of being the best out there. So, start with your greatest weapon and that will be no other than your hands. Correct the position of your wrists and listen to the advice that you will be getting from this short yet informative article.

The first thing that you would have to do is learn how to get loose. The best violin wrist position is not something that experts would call as rigid. So, you would have to perfect the art of going with the flow and being in control at the same time. If you can do that, then people would start praising you.

Second, you would need to get better at sliding the bow. If you can practice everyday, then that can turn out to be beneficial to you. Thus, come up with a schedule together with your the person who is teaching you. With the proper routine, you would be more committed to seeing it through.

Third, you will have to think of happy thoughts when you are playing. Take note that you are not allowed to be stressed by anything when you are in that stage. If you have been given with the task to play a sad song, then you must be stable enough not to let the mood of the music bring you back to your own personal problems.

You have to stretch your fingers as often as you can. Actually, the key to your success in here is to keep your hands moving all the time. If you would allow it to be idle for a very long time, then that is when the stiffness would come back to you all over again. Thus, never allow that to happen.

If you know that your thumb is in the wrong place, then ask your teacher for the correct guidelines. Be reminded that the correct position is important not just because you have to play like your favorite musician but because you need to have functional hands once everything has been said and done.

Have the perfect massage routine for your fingers. If you have a friend who is a licensed therapist, the now will be the right time for you to use the connection that you have with this person. Ask about the routine that you can apply on yourself. In that way, you will no longer have to go to an expensive local spa and spend some money.

You would have to vary your speed once you have already reached your comfort zone. Keep in mind that you can never choose the piece that would be assigned to you in the show. So, you have to be ready for anything. Experiment on the styles that you would be able to use on the floor.

Overall, you just need to do the best that you can in here. Listen to the lessons of your teacher. Take constructive criticism seriously.

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