
Six Things To Remember When Making Felted Vessels

By Lelia Hall

If a person decides to do felting for any kind of artistic endeavors, there is some preparation that needs to be done. This includes the making of felted vessels where sometimes wet felting is used. There are other types of felting techniques like needle felting among others. The following are six tips to keep in mind when using any type of felting technique.

It is important not to rush the experience. Felting is a process that takes time and if a person tries to hurry because they do not have time, things might not turn out the way they want it to. It is best to set aside a day or several hours where that period of time can be totally devoted to making this type of art.

One should also give themselves lots of room to work. Anything that is not waterproof should be moved out of the way if one is using wet felting. Even though one might try to use care when working, there is always the possibility that something could get wet. So a clear space is important not just for the wet technique, but for any technique that one might use just to be safe.

Use the right type of resists for the shape of vessel being made. There are different types of resists that one can use to create the item that they want. This can be anything from thick cardboard to a ball. The type of resist used will determine the shape and size of the container that one is making. So it is important to choose the best one for the article that one wants to make.

There are a number of other materials that are used in felting. A person should make sure and gather everything they need before they begin to work. If everything is not in place this will cause a person to waste unnecessary time finding something that they need. There is more than enough time that will be taken when one begins to work.

Since one will be working for a significant period of time, it is good to make sure that the surroundings are comfortable. This means having good lighting in the room whether it is day or night and making sure the temperature is at a comfortable setting. Playing good music is also good if it is relaxing and helps one to focus.

Clothing is also important when one is working due to the types of materials and tools that are used in felting. If one is wearing jewelry that could snag at anything like plastic or wool, it is important to remove them. If one is worried about protecting their clothing when using the wet technique, then an apron should be worn in case there are any spills or splashes taking place.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is not to have great expectations. Sometimes a piece of art might not turn out as planned even if you have done everything in the right way. Artwork can be very unpredictable in its results and it is important to keep an open mind because sometimes a mistake might turn out to be something new and original.

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