
In A Counter Terrorism Fiction Novel, Who Are The Terrorists

By Ines Flores

The time has come for the American people to realize that the media lies, and has been lying to them at least since the 1960s. Any American who looks at the facts surrounding the 911 Commission Report should feel offended. Perhaps they ought to write a counter terrorism fiction novel, only it would be nonfiction since the government would be the ones committing acts of terror.

When a person of sound mind is forced to question the narrative of one event, then all events are questioned. It is more than just 911, and in fact comes right up to the recent shooting in Paris where a policeman was claimed to have been shot and killed. Upon further review of the footage, it is obvious that the gunman missed him completely.

At this point this supposedly dead policeman only makes everyone wonder who actually killed him; terrorists or the Secret Service. I know many Americans who are asking that very question right now, even with the media attempting to claim that their own footage does not exist. They throw out a comment about crazy conspiracy theorists then switch to a terror analyst who spends an hour talking about terrorism, but never really says anything.

The people are the only counter terrorist organization that need to be created, in the form of political watchdogs getting the corruption out of central government. The world governments are becoming a hegemonic force when all they are meant to be is administrative. Instead it has become 1984 where the people spy on each other and the Secret Service are the only thing to fear.

Any on topic novels are propaganda that support the preposterous notion that Muslims living in moderate to primitive conditions are scrounging up funding for elaborate mass shootings. While the Muslim religion does defy common sense, so does the dietary content of a Big Mac. Somehow the religion of Islam should be feared, for it has some planetary hold through organizations that did not exist prior to American funding of Al-Qaida in Syria.

A clearly drugged-up young Islamic man from Africa is assisted onto a flight by an unknown man who appeared to be of Middle Eastern or Indian heritage. This Islamic man had no ticket, passport, luggage, or ID. Somehow this unidentified man takes an airport security person to the side and convinces them to let the African board a plane into the United States; all so this man can come to be known as the Underwear Bomber.

Then we have the lovely movie theater shooting where the eye-witnesses all said there was more than one shooter, but the media just ignored that. The people are to ignore the two tear gas canisters found in different parts of the theater, and two gas masks left on the sidewalk. No one will ever forget that lone gunman showing up to court with orange hair, so drugged he could not even speak.

Oh but the best footage came from Sandy Hook Elementary and the killing of students in a minute or less by a mentally handicapped man. Though he had no known training, this apparent savant of terror managed to double-tap each child in the head, execution style, all by himself while clearly drugged. Within hours parents of a slain child were made to calm their goofing off with reporters just long enough to look somber when announcing to the world that their child was dead.

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