
Six Of The Best Special Forces Military Fiction Novels

By Enid Hinton

Anybody can write about wars but not like an author with a military background. Some of the best Special Forces military fiction novels have been authored by ex-soldiers who tap into their immense firsthand experience in the battle field. This helps them to produce the most incredible literature even for ordinary citizens.

No Fortunate Son written by Taylor Brad- the development of characters and a plot that is both tight and thrilling ushers this book into New York Times Best Sellers list. This is attributed to the experience that Taylor gathered in war fronts over twenty one years. It is inspired by the capture of a non-significant soldier who the ranks and file go all-out to rescue. Taylor presents the intrigues of a soldier who is related to a prominent national figure.

Autumn fire by Tom Wither- the thriller involves military intelligence with content inspired by his decades in a shadowy world. Unlike the fictional scenes in Jason Bourne and James Bond movies, he uses scenarios that are broadcast on news. It recreates the rebirth of al-Qaeda under Aziz that attacks the national electric grid. A unit is formed to pursue the leader of the group. This journey is eventful and thrilling to read.

Battle Come Down, a novel by Flower Charlie- this is a continuing series based on anti-terrorism war. The hero is trained as an extremist but defects to join the soldiers. He has a wife who supports him at times and turns against him at others. Despite all the violence that reigns around the world, the author seeks to show how love is the ultimate conqueror.

Days of Rage penned by Taylor Brad- Taylor has managed to create insane heroics on which the heart thumping action is based. It also is very adventurous and satisfying to the mind. Weapons of mass destruction are in the hands of Boko Haram in their caves in Nigeria. This pits the Russian and American governments on opposite ends. The special unit tasked with disarming the extremists is now being hunted. It is an interesting quagmire waiting for the reader.

Sand and Fire by Tom Young- reading through the novel feels like watching a situation unfold on newscast. It is about a chemical attack that is carried out on several international sites. The jihadists have marines as hostages and threaten to kill one every day. It is a battle with time as diplomats and soldiers struggle to find a resolution.

Secret Assault by Don Helin- the Vietnamese war provides a lot of fodder for writers. This story is based on My Lai massacre where an American unit is said to have killed dozens of people in a village in Vietnam. The rank and file of the army works tirelessly to stop this information from being made public. A letter by a soldier to congressional representative reveals the secret. The novel captures the division that resulted from the war with very vivid scenes.

Military action and intelligence has inspired numerous novels. It is the vividness and fictional accuracy of the authors that makes a novel outstanding. Editing may eliminate typos and syntax errors, but there are scenarios that can only be captured by an experienced soldier. This explains why former soldier dominate the list of best sellers in this category.

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