
Some Of The Secret Chambers Of The Great Pyramid

By Claudine Hodges

The great pyramid is definitely a sight to behold as it is one of the wonders of the world. This magnificent architectural structure was created by none other than the mighty Pharaoh Khufu. What made this structure very special was that the interior was actually very complex in design. There are actually a number of secret chambers of the great pyramid that were built in this structure.

Now many people did not know that there were even secret chambers before engineer Wayman Dixon discovered some of them in the year 1872. He and his assistant had ventured to the north and south shafts of the Queens chamber and felt a draft there. By digging the shafts out, they were able to find two very important relics.

When Dixon and his assistant dug up the southern shaft, they were able to find a small metal hook that was buried somewhere in the rubble that can be found in the shaft. When they dug up the north shaft, they were able to find a granite ball and a piece of wood that was somewhat cedar like. Eventually, these two artifacts were brought to their country and were named the Dixon relics which were eventually returned to Dixon and then disappeared after a while.

Now since the discovery of these shafts, there were many people who followed the path of mister Dixon and did their own expeditions. A team was able to find two tunnels that were found in the north and south walls in this room. However, the problem here was that these tunnels were blocked off and needed to be drilled.

Of course another robot was created in order to drill those pesky stone blocks so that the team could proceed further but when they did, all they found was an empty room. Now there eventually came a time when there was another robot that was created which had a micro snake camera that could survey the empty room for even the slightest and smallest detail that could be found on the walls and on the ceiling.

Of course the archaeologists used the camera to survey the room and made a few discoveries. One thing that they found was that there were actually some hieroglyphs that were found on the walls. There were even some stone carvings that could be found there on the stone blocks that were stuck at the corners of the room.

Egyptologists believe that these symbols denote a certain symbolical meaning as to why the shafts were built in the first place. Many speculated that these symbols were actually related to the sun. However, many also believed that this chamber had an astronomical significance for its existence.

Now these chambers are still there until today but nobody knows why. The reason as to why they are still there is a mystery to everyone who studies Egyptian culture. The answer would probably lie in those hieroglyphs that were written.

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