
More On Dance Competition Ontario

By Stacey Burt

It is known that every person has a talent/ability or skill that they can do in a unique or different way from the other person. For example, an artist can make a sketch of a person in just five minutes while another one can do that up to thirty minutes but still make a good drawing. The manner in which a certain thing is done differs from the other but the end results is equally good, which shows people who have the same talent use it in their own unique way. Due to the existence of people having the same talents and using them in different is the reason why competitions exist. Like the dance competition Ontario is about to be held and is being announced vigorously.

The interested people or groups are required to apply so that they get the chance to participate. After the application what is followed next is a vigorous sessions of practice. This is so because the participants who qualify get to go to the next level that is from regional to national. And getting to the nationals means a lot because a lot of opportunities come their way and they get a lot of recognition.

Dancers should be physically fit so that they can be able to maintain balance when dancing. They need to choose a song in which they will dance to and identify their strong and weak points. Intense practice, persistence and determination are some of the qualities a good dancer should have, these apply also to anyone who may go to a contest and takes his or her talent seriously.

Nowadays people are using their talents as full time careers. Art schools, music schools, fashion and design schools are emerging each and every day encouraging people who have a passion in doing what they love to take it as a career. Even in some schools, these extra curricula activities have been incorporated into the curriculum.

It is a must for those who will be competing to attend classes as there will be coaches/teachers who will help them train and perfect their skills. They are also there to help them learn some new routines they are not used because anything is to be expected on the competition day. The coaches are also there to help them in their weak areas and make sure they do not give up before the big day.

Some of the routines they are likely to practice are hip-hop, jazz, salsa etc. A routine like tap does not require music while other routines are just instrumental/beats without the song. So good end results will be determined how well the dancers have practiced and mastered the skills.

At the day of the contest, the competitors get to meet each other, each hoping to do well than the other person. Judges are usually seated at the front row. They are the one responsible for awarding marks to the competitors and determine who will move to the next level.

It has been seen that a competition helps to encourage competitors and know how good and prepared they are that is why more and more competitions are being held every now and then in Ontario and everywhere else. People are also being encouraged to use their talents and make out of them a career.

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