
How To Make The Most Of Your Balloon Rides

By Claudine Hodges

One of the most exciting activity that you can do in your entire life would be to ride a balloon high up in the air. There are only several people who have had the privilege to experience it and they highly recommend that you do it as well. You would feel calm and at the same time, you will feel a different kind of good thrill.

There are various conditions surrounding these particular excursions. If you go for East Tennessee balloon rides, you have to agree upon certain things and follow certain set of rules for your safety. This is also the same for every company which is offering this type of service.

There is not such thing as a perfect plan when it comes to this type of excursion. This is because no one in the country could predict the weather and what will happen tomorrow. Even when you are already in the field and the rain starts to pour, the company will likely cancel because it is not safe to take flight during these conditions. You do have have to be too disheartened because you would surely have another schedule.

When you are all set, you have to choose between the flight times. It could be during the sunrise. There are also those that are for the sunset trip. This might be a difficult choice to do because you know that both of the choices are equally beautiful. You must rely on your preference to make the best choice.

You also have the option of going inside a public basket which can take at least a dozen people. And then there is also the private basket if you want to go alone or you want to utilize the space and not be with other people that are strangers. This is a more expensive option. But you have to know that even when you go for the public ones, you have to ensure that you have right finances.

In this regard, it is not advised that you wear high heels and the like. You will be standing for a certain duration. And this would also depend on the ride that you will pay for. Usually it would last for forty five minutes. And when you are standing that long, it would be a good thing to consider using comfortable footwear.

It is not only the shoes but the dress as well. The temperature when you are in the basket is actually high because of the compressor and the hot air that fuels the balloon. And you can expect that you would feel uncomfortable if you would wear too much clothing and a dress.

Picture taking is allowed and highly recommended. But you also have to think about the safety of your gadgets. Having a neck sling or wrist sling for your hand cameras or phones would come in handy. This way, even when you stick your arm out of the basket, you can be sure that your device would not fall off.

Landing could get bumpy. Which is why you have to prepare for it as well. The pilot will be giving instructions prior to it. You must listen and do what he says for safeness.

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