
Finding Out About New Country Rock

By Claudine Hodges

Everyone in America loves to listen to great music since certain melodies can really make a person feel better. This is one reason why new country rock is wonderful to have around. There are certain individuals who do not want to hear music that is very loud and has no meaning at all.

American citizens and other people know that hip hop will eventually cease to exist since many of the lyrics within these songs are crazy. Rap rap songs have no true meaning and they usually talk about abuse and hatred towards others. On the other hand Juice Newton knew exactly how to capture an audience during her best years.

"Angel of The Morning" became an instant hit for this fortunate woman decades ago. Juice went on to sing "Queen of Hearts" and "The Sweetest Thing." She eventually turned into a hard rocker with her great hit song "Can't Wait All Night." People listened to her music for years until she finally retired.

Luckily folk music fans will get the chance to hear great sounds that actually tell a story which is accompanied by a unique style. For the past few years a young woman named Taylor Swift has really gained popularity across the globe. Young fans everywhere can really relate to her sensational music which is broadcast over many radio stations that are in existence. This lady also knows how to perform a soft ballad that can bring tears to someone's eyes.

Every single fan who has attended a Taylor Swift concert was always impressed with her ability to change personalities in no time at all. The people working within the music industry know that she will always be around to bring them great fortune because of her abilities. A young blonde woman named Carrie Underwood is just as interesting as the very young Taylor Swift.

Every singer around the globe has wanted to sing along with Carrie since she is very talented. Carrie even tried her hand at acting when she appeared within the play "The Sound of Music." Carrie is also the type of person that ordinary human beings can relate to. She was born in the south and has always behaved in a proper manner whenever other human beings are around.

Some years ago western music fans were delighted to listen to a man called Eddie Rabbit. He was a decent person who had faced many tragedies within his lifetime. His young son died at an early age and Mr. Rabbit still had the courage to continue his great singing career. "Step By Step" and "I Love A Rainy Night" can still be heard on the radio to this very day. Unfortunately Eddie Rabbit died before the year 2000.

Many other stars such as Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Faith Hill and Garth Brooks have crossed over to the pop side during their careers. Quite a few individuals are happy when these individuals have the nerve to venture outside of the box and create a variety of tunes. Unfortunately there are still some die hard fans who prefer to hear sounds that are old fashioned.

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