
Pick The Best Brain Training Mobile App

By Etta Bowen

If one would want to have a sharp mind even though he gets older, then he would actually have to continue working it everyday. Luckily with technology, people can now train their brains using their mobile phones with some great apps that may help. So if one would want to have a good app for this purpose, then he should choose one brain training mobile app from this list.

Now probably the most popular of these types of apps would of course be Luminosity. Now Luminosity is an application that has a collection of games that would challenge the mind of the user and make him become smarter. Now this application has games that would target different aspects of brain function like critical thinking, memorization, and analysis.

One other app that can be compared to Luminosity would be Cognifit Brain Fitness which also has a list of games that one can play. Now this one is rather unique because it has a mode wherein one player can play against his other friends if they would connect their devices together. Now if one is rather competitive and would like to keep track of his scores, then this is definitely the right kind of application for his needs.

Now there are also some apps that would help with having a healthy mindset like the application known as Personal Zen. Now this game features two main sprites with one being a negative one and the other being a positive and happy one. Now while one plays this game, he will be taught to concentrate more on the positive side of life instead of the negative.

For those who have bad memory and would want to improve on it, then the perfect app would be none other than Eidetic. This is an application that is specifically designed to help those who have trouble with memorization. With the games available here, one will definitely be able to memorize things better.

Another really great application would be known as Fit Brains Trainer. Now this one is just like Luminosity or Cognifit Brain Fitness but has a lot of games that one can choose to play. Now as one progresses, he will notice that the difficulty of the games would get harder and harder so he will definitely be challenged by this intellectually stimulating app.

Now one of the groundbreaking apps that was actually used to prevent instances of suicide is known as Relieflink. This is an application made by Dr. Kaslow and is actually a mood detector that will be able to determine the mood of a person. Of course it would offer alternative options to help calm down the user like voice instructions and even relaxing music.

Now as one can see, there are so many applications that one can download if he would want to keep his mind healthy and fit. He has to remember that his brain is also like a machine and it will depreciate slowly if it is not used very often. Of course if one would want to keep it sharp, he also has to make sure that it is healthy as well.

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