
Some Tips For Writing A Good Novel

By Patty Goff

Many writers are talented in story telling but putting down what they want to say in writing proves quite challenging. It is a different art altogether that calls for a lot of practice to master. The starting point of creating an interesting story starts with organizing your thoughts. Most writers even create a rough draft of their work. Regardless of your style, the following tips for writing a good novel will undoubtedly be helpful.

Research is important for any kind of story. The role of research is to help you gather enough material to be used in your work. It will help you view various approaches that you can adopt in writing your novel. It is a particularly important step for factual writers whose work must stand all the tests of credibility. Research may include reading the work of other writers, conducting interviews or visiting places.

Create a good plot for your story. A good plot is one that has a flow and the events described can be chronologically linked. This will create a desire in your readers as they seek to keep track of all the events as they unfold and will keep reading to find out what will be coming next.

A good writer has the ability to submerge the reader into the story. The reader should be made to use all their senses. Let them hear the rattling of leaves and the drops of water falling onto the dry, thirsty ground of the desert. Let them see the characters and the events as if they are witnesses. Let them feel, smell and taste. Capturing their imagination should be your aim.

It is virtually impossible to discuss good writing without mentioning the use of humor. It is the funny things about stories that keep us interested in reading. It is even more interesting when the humor is applied in a witty manner such that we have to apply some intelligence to see the joke. Achieving this would require that you do some practice in the area.

Emotions are an invaluable ingredient. The kind of emotion depicted in your story will undoubtedly be dictated by the type of story you are telling. The nature of human beings is such that most memories are intertwined with emotions. Consequently, the best way to make sure that your story continues to linger in the minds of your readers is to make them cry, laugh and fall in love and so on; create emotional suspense in your stories.

You should be ready to get out of your comfort zone as a writer if you are to win the hearts of readers. Delve into areas that many are afraid to. Controversial writings have been known to sell big anywhere in the world. Rather than being a fence sitter, be ready to cause a stir by your work. Include both irrational and rational elements in your work to give a human touch.

Whatever you choose to write, be unpredictable. Readers should not lose interest prematurely as this will hurt your ratings. Rather, they should always be met with the most unexpected. Generally, most readers would like to see good prevail over evil. Introduce twists and turns in your story so that the outcome is not so obvious. Let good prevail but after tremendous challenges.

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