
Simplified Fiction Writing Best Practice

By Young Lindsay

The dream to become a writer fails to materialize because many people do not know where to start. Simplified fiction writing best practice makes this dream a reality. The tips have been effectively used by award winning writers and helped amateurs to begin their careers. It is a simple process that will see you completing chapter after chapter of your dream book.

Before putting down your first word on the page, you should bear several factors in mind. They include the interaction between your characters and the plot. The main plot comes out of a number of sub plots. These subplots must create a watertight story that will keep your reader glued to the book. Have an idea of the theme that will bring together the characters, plot and setting into a single bundle. With this in mind, you are ready to begin writing.

The whole process can be reduced into three main stages. Each is important and builds on the other to create award-winning work of fiction. You must plan, write and then revise the work. Planning is where you create a rough idea of what your book will be all about. This is the mainstay of your novel. It gives you the anchors upon which your story will be built.

Writing requires the interaction between prose and dialogue to create an interesting story. This is the stage where flesh is added to the frame created during planning. It requires creativity and an open mind since this is where the novel is created.

Revision is the final stage in any process of developing a novel. It transforms poorly written and organized work but the lack of it will kill the most interesting story. The assistance of grammar and creative editors is vital when revising you work.

It is necessary to establish the motive before you begin. Some writers are inspired by money while others are driven by fame. The best writers are those with goals that are bigger than themselves. You must have a beautiful story to tell. You also must realize that this is the only way you can tell the story.

The works of fiction stands on five basic pillars. They are viewpoint, setting, theme and symbolism, plot and characters. These aspects depend on each other and must never be viewed separately. Any such attempt creates a loose plot. Each has a crucial part to play in creating an award winning story. They need to be perfectly balanced and related. This might require back and forth movement.

A theme defines what each work of fiction stands for. It shapes sentences, setting, characters and word choices. The theme will inform the actions of protagonists and antagonists in any novel. It also defines the relationship between the characters and setting to create a plot.

When planning, a list of characters should be generated beginning with the main ones and ending with the minor ones. Others will be developed as you write. A nice plot keeps the reader turning the pages. A comfortable environment is necessary to gain clarity of vision and concentration. You can write and rewrite your chapters before involving other people like editors. Revision requires the assistance of an independent person.

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