
Tips For How To Buy Hip Hop Beats Online

By Roscoe Jameson

The beat is a crucial part of the best hip hop tracks being produced today. The quality of what you buy will make a difference to the quality of your overall track. When it comes to knowing how to buy Hip Hop beats online the crucial thing is to know what you are buying and how to get the best possible quality.

The amount of bits will affect the quality. Naturally this will affect the price. For a decent quality sound it is worth going for a 16 bit WAV. The best possible quality is to go for a 24 bit tracked out version of an instrumental. This will give you the best possible sound but will cost more.

For most people they will download the 16 bit WAV version of a beat. This tends to be a decent quality. Anyone listening to it who is not a professional is likely to think that it is a very good sounding track and for the most part will often be enough to get the sound that you want from it.

Before you buy a track it is important to check the terms and conditions. A lot of people will license their beats. This means that in effect, even though you are able to use their work on your track they will still hold the rights to their work. If you are comfortable with this then you can purchase them.

Once you have found a track that you like you then need to check the terms of purchase. This is a mistake people often make but it can prove to be a costly one. The crucial thing to know is the difference between an exclusive and a non exclusive contract with the music producer.

With an exclusive contract you own the beats. The producer relinquishes all rights to use it anywhere else. This means that you can use it regardless of whether you are doing the track free of charge for a community project or you are producing as something that you want to sell. This is ideal if you want a track that will stand out and not sound too similar to other work that is already out there and especially if you like the work of the producer and want to work with them again in future.

As the name suggests with a non exclusive contract you do not own the sole rights to the beat. This means in effect that anyone could potentially use it. Therefore a track by a major artist could use the same beats, in effect making it a lot harder to promote your track. On the other hand, non exclusive tracks are a lot less expensive so it is a difficult balance.

In short when you are purchasing exclusive hip hop beats for your mixtape, you need to decide what you want and what is best suited for your sound and your individual circumstances. What should happen is you pay for your beat and you should receive a track to download soon afterwards. Remember there should be a period where you can cancel the payment if you do not receive it. Look online for producers and for feedback from artists that have used their work in the past to find the ideal beats to suit your sound.

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