
Take Self Defense Classes Arlington VA

By Lessie Kaufman

Northern Virginia is an affluent area, with many safe neighborhoods. However, parts of this densely populated suburb of DC have a pretty high crime rate. For this reason, residents may want to take advantage of the many self defense classes Arlington VA offers. There are other reasons, as well, that this sort of course can be good for adults, children, and teens.

Many institutions that teach martial arts offer after-school care. Parents have found that the combination of physical activity and lessons in self-control, teamwork, and social skills gives kids something they may not find elsewhere. Certainly simply interacting with their peers in unsupervised ways or retreating inside to play computer games or watch television does not give them these benefits.

Many parents these days, both couples and singles, are still at work when school lets out. Knowing where their children are and that they are happy and safe is invaluable. The fact that it's become harder to provide physical outlets for kids and for teens - even those who don't willingly participate in team sports - has made enrolling children in after-school programs more popular.

Martial arts - and there are many disciplines in this category - are not the only option for those who want to learn how to react to a hostile confrontation on the street or even in their own homes. Some courses teach skills that are based on natural reflexes and instinctive responses to a threat. They focus on fear management, effective use of non-physical methods to defuse a situation, and tactics that are defensive or, if necessary, a way to fight back.

Some of the disciplines have come down from ancient times, while others have been invented more recently. Developing self-confidence is both a goal and a result of this kind of training. Even those who may never have to face an assailant will benefit from knowing how to handle themselves in a physical confrontation. This carries over into other areas of social interaction as well. Learning respect for others is an essential part of this training; the manners taught come in handy for all life's demands.

Another benefit is physical fitness. Many of us, both adults and children, don't get enough exercise. Regular physical activity is important for health, mental well-being, stress reduction, and weight control. People feel better from the endorphins (feel-good hormones) released during exercise. And they look better, too.

Many know about the ancient arts of Ju-Jitsu, Tae-Kwon-Do, and Tai Chi, but the martial arts world also embraces Kendo, Aikido, and Iaido. Competitive defensive sports include fencing, boxing, and kickboxing. Some martial arts centers are called 'dojos', while other types of classes are held in studios. Go online and check out the amazing variety of protective techniques offered for both minors and adults in the Arlington area.

Many places offer free classes, and you can also observe a class to see if you or your child are interested in what's going on. There is instruction in both unarmed combat and the use of weapons. Even defensive pistol classes are offered at some shooting ranges. Skill level and state of physical fitness and ability are assessed in course suitability recommendations.

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