
Spiritual Romance Novels Must Be Written With Care And Passion

By Amelia Buckner

It has been a yearning of yours to be an author. You are very eager to write spiritual romance novels. You have scrutinized many and are convinced this is your specialty. You have frequently thought of yourself to be exceptionally spiritual and romantic.

You have found that your favorite books have always been the cases where one can relate the story to the authors own personal life. You would have almost always found that as your relationships have been a little on the unstable side, you can write the most amazing scenarios. It has been very inspiring for you.

The last relationship you were in; was with a passionate Latino woman. Never mind what happened between the sheets, your entire relationship was filled with excitement and passion. Even going out for a quiet dinner would turn out to be a wonderful intriguing evening, with new challenges.

The exceptional times were supreme and loads of friends were resentful as they wanted a union too, were little conversations like "hello" oozed with tenderness and dedication. Though it was also expected that when you were disagreeing it was with the same potency and this was the scary part, when every sentiment was expressed. Wow, picture the sensational writing material you can gain from such obsessive feelings daily. This will have you moody, disorientated and saddened; it is very difficult and stressful. Your only freedom and understanding is to write in all down. What an inconceivable book.

What makes your book spiritual; is your belief and compassion for spirituality and mysticism, two elements that bring a different look on life. People who believe in a higher being and the elements, bring around positivity and enthusiasm for life, and are better people. Your life is filled with love and compassion. You tend to enjoy life to fullest and keen to try new adventures.

You have tasted some exceptionally dreadful breakups in the past and this has also helped you to write several very alluring stories. All those feelings and views have passed through your mind; the desire to have your loved one return; as well as the desire to move on. You inquire of the higher powers why yet once more you have had to endure this pain. Your confidence and happiness removed. Your trip from optimism to tragedy, and lastly back on the road to triumph.

There are so many particulars that you can add in your writing if you use your character and your practical knowledge as support. It will definitely interest your readers and have them waiting for more. It is far better than making up unimaginative stories your readers will be aloof and incapable of enjoying in your books.

Your spiritual romantic novels will be the best on the market. You will be the talk of the town. Wow, you will be rolling in so much cash you will not know how to spend it all.

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