
Importance Of The Path To Salvation

By Karina Frost

Human suffering has for a long time been attributed to their own sin. The suffering is said to be both in the present life and can also be in the afterlife. In spite of this, there is good news. There is the path to salvation from sin. This path is made possible by the Son of God. The Bible states that he is the way to God.

Salvation according to Christianity was made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is sometimes described as atonement. This is where an individual with no sin sacrificed his life for others. This is the basis of salvation. One man, Jesus Christ, was the only hope for humanity. This is because by their own works they could not be saved.

God is the Supreme Being in the universe. He has set rules that if obeyed, our lives would be quite easy. However, since our nature is inclined to sin we end up disobeying the commands. Though we know what is good and bad, it is a wonder that we still chose what does not benefit us. It is important that we are worked on from the inside out.

There is need for salvation. The most talked about reason is so that we can get to heaven. Everyone dreams of heaven which seems to be an amazing place free from all the struggles life has to offer. Whoever does not accept or believe in Jesus may be condemned to hell. Most people out of fear will strive to avoid this.

Another reason is so as to have a relationship with God. When in a relationship with Him, you get to enjoy benefits such as peace and help in times of trouble. God will be there with you as you maneuver through life. One can also better understand scripture compared to a person who is not saved. This is made possible by the Holy Spirit.

There are steps towards receiving salvation. First you have to admit that you are a sinner. Then you should repent your sins. This means that you see your mistakes and you are ready to seek forgiveness. Another step is believing that Jesus died to save you from your sins. The last step involves inviting Jesus into your heart as your personal savior.

To stay saved you should work on it. This is the only way to ensure growth in your life. Reading the scriptures is one such way. It opens up the person of God. Talking to God through prayer is also important. Many are advised to constantly go to church which helps in building their faith. Professing your faith to others can also ensure growth.

No one should be forced into salvation. It is a personal choice. You ought to have full knowledge of what you could be getting yourself into. Some people describe it as the best decision they have ever made, while others simply do not care. To make a proper decision find out all you need to know. It is just part of the decisions of life-chose wisely.

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