
How To Do A Brass And Woodwind Sterilization

By Jody Leach

Being a wind instrument player requires one to be extra clean because he will be putting his mouth on the mouthpiece every time he plays. Of course he would not want to put his mouth on a mouthpiece that has not been cleaned for days as this is just plain unhygienic. Of course in order to keep his little instrument clean, he would have to do a brass and woodwind sterilization.

Now when one would want to clean this thing, he would have to take note that not every part has to be cleaned. He only needs to clean one part of the instrument and that part would be the mouthpiece because this is where one would blow. Of course to do this, he will be needing the necessary materials.

Basically, there are pretty much only four things that one would be needing for this type of job. These four things are a bottle of alcohol, a special mouthpiece disinfectant, a clean cloth, and of course a cup filled with hot water. Now for the mouthpiece disinfectant, usually music stores would be selling them just in case one would need a bottle.

So the first part of the process would be to actually spray some of the disinfectant on a clean cloth. From there, he would have to use the cloth to wipe the mouthpiece all around and make sure that the disinfectant would reach all places. Of course he should also make sure that the disinfectant would even reach the inside.

Now when one has already done that, then he has to now put some alcohol on it. Now the alcohol would be used in order to make sure that all the hidden bacteria and germs there would die. Of course in order to do this, one would need to use a clean cloth, pour the alcohol on the cloth, and then wipe it on the mouthpiece so that the bacteria will die.

After one has already done that, then the next thing that he should do would be to get the glass of hot water. Now after he has gotten the glass of hot water, he should put just a little bit of soap inside. Once he has mixed the soap with the hot water, then he should soak the mouthpiece in there for a few minutes.

Now after one has soaked the instrument in the hot water and soap mix, then he has to rinse the instrument. He can do this by putting it under a faucet and let the running water take away all of the remaining substances that are there. Once one feels like the instrument is already clean, then he can wipe it off with a cloth.

So basically, those are the steps that one should take if he would want to clean his wind instrument. Now he has to do this regularly if he would want to keep it clean from any harmful germs or bacteria. He should probably do this around once or twice a week depending on how often he would play his instrument.

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