
David Archuleta News Of The Year

By Kerri Stout

All those people who watch the hit Television show American Idol must be familiar with the name of Archuleta. He was a contestant in the seventh season of American Idol an was declared as the runner up against the strong contender David Cook. The latest David Archuleta news is all about his return from the Mormon mission which he attended in Chile and returned back from there after two long years.

He had no contact with anyone whatsoever during his stay in Chile but still, his team released new albums which were recorded previously so that his presence can be felt by everyone and his popularity doesn't fade away. His albums have done a great job on the charts and his popularity has remained the same even though he was not on screen for almost two years.

He left a short message for his followers after returning back from Chile. He shared a homecoming message in a very short video, and in that video he looks older than before. When he left for the Mormon mission, he was just 21 years old but now, he is 23 years old and looks all grown up.

The short video clip which he made for his fans, he is dressed in a smart black suit and he is wearing a purple tie. He looks very smart and fresh in the video as he has a big smile throughout the recorded video. His followers and fans must have felt good to see him after such a long time.

In the beginning of year 2012, David announced that he will be leaving for Mormon mission in the mid of March the same year and that it is something very important for him. He asked his followers and fans to allow him some amount of privacy while he is gone so that he can fulfil his responsibility during the mission in a dutiful way. He did announce at that time that he will be taking a break from his music as well. This news disheartened his fans as they knew they will not be hearing from him for a couple of years.

He didn't even have any contact with his family members throughout the period of his mission. Before leaving, he requested his followers and friends as its a personal thing for him, so his privacy should not be interfered with. He told every one that its a very personal decision for him and he wants to remain private throughout these two years.

He asked for privacy from his fans and promised that his fans will be hearing more of him once he returns back from his mission. He said that he is trying to do something completely different from his music.

His family resides in Utah and David returned to his family home and received heart warming homecoming to enjoy some peaceful time. Since he has come back, he has been working on his new releases and also he has been involved in the making of a documentary that tells everything about his experience in Chile. His presence will be felt by the fans once again and this time his appearance will not fade away as he is not planning to go any where this time.

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