
A Guide For Writing The Best Mystery Book Series For Adults

By Kerri Stout

Writing any story demands lots of skills and expertise from an author. This is because one has to develop interesting characters, create tension and make the novels interesting enough for the readers to continue reading. You do now want to have a story that people will stop reading after a few pages. Read on to get reliable guidelines on how to create the best mystery book series for adults.

Ensure that you have a lead character who is strong. This does not mean that he/she should be physically strong; however, he/she has to be likable and fascinating enough to handle several books. You must have a character that the readers will invest in without getting boring. They should be fascinated by the life of the individual and the adventures that he/she is involved in throughout the series.

Just like characters, conflicts are essential in a great storyline. For your audience to have meaningful feelings for your story, the characters should have many issues that challenge them in several instances. Ensure that you make the brawls interesting and varied to avoid boredom. Unlike kids, adult reader what stories that they can deeply relate with for them to fully appreciate your work.

Accessibility is an important trait when writing a series. The first book should set out your characters, their personalities and motivations to let the reader know what will happen next. However, you have to write the subsequent novels in a manner that the person reading it will still understand the story even if they miss the first publication. Just put in a few important past events so that anyone can pick your story and move ahead with it.

It is important for you to exercise consistency in your work of fiction. This should apply to story events, themes and character behavior. Most authors will write about situations that are only solved by contradicting well- established facts. Therefore, you should ensure that you know the rules defining your story so that you do not lose them as you progress with other novels.

When writing a sequence of adult fictions, you must have a series bible. This is important because it will enable you to keep track of your characters and the conflicts that you have written about. As your story expands, there are minor, but important things that you might forget as you develop your story line. You do not want to repeat any plot in your story.

The other thing that you should consider is your novel title. This is because it is an essential aspect of your story with regards to marketing as it is what people will use and remember when making a purchase. Usually, the title will revolve around the main character of the story. Therefore, it will be good for you to keep it precise and unforgettable.

Regardless of whether you are writing a well connected or standalone series, you should always remember that the book that you are writing is your focus. Therefore, take time to write the best story that you can by investing yourself in the plot and the characters. This way, your readers will be hooked to every piece that you release.

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