
Improve Your Vemma Profits

By Ricardo Interpermian

Vemma business-builders: Do you want to know how to become a top 3% earner?

If you want to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

You MUST learn to market!

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Make More Money In The Short Term

People promoting opportunities like Vemma dedicate much too much time to creating income that won't pay off for years to come. They don't spend enough energy and time creating short term revenue. As a result they earn far less than they could.

Having a big residual check comes from having a huge organization. But only a tiny handful of network marketers ever create a large downline.

Attrition is so high that 90% of your organization will quit within the first 12 months. Trying to create a huge downline is definitely not the way to maximize your income.

You can earn a lot more by increasing the money you make n the short term. The income you generate in the first 90 days of acquiring a new distributor or customer is what you should focus on.

There's two basic places you earn income in the short term:

Market affiliate products such as training and systems to network marketers. Earn affiliate commissions on the sale pf these products. 95% of people are not going to join your Vemma business, and you should profit from selling to these people.

Selling a high ticket product line is another great strategy to increase your income in the short term. Typically, you only earn $100 or less when you sign up someone into Vemma or a similar opportunity.

It's significantly more profitable to market an opportunity that pays commissions of $1,000 or more per signup. Add a high ticket opportunity to your business. Your up-front revenue will increase dramatically.

- Define Your Target Market

Once you've identified the target market for your Vemma business, it's much easier to create your marketing. Clarify:

- Who is the ideal target market for your Vemma opportunity?

- What major problems do they have?

- What is it you can offer to address these problems?

- What websites does your target audience visit frequently?

You can fine-tune your marketing and create much bigger results after you've clarified who is your ideal audience. Figuring out who is your target market clarifies how you must market. It becomes easy to decide the topics of your webinars, social media posts and Tweets.

Marketers in opportunities like Vemma almost always target the wrong people. They try to target individuals who are facing extreme financial pressure or who are broke. Avoid broke people.

The best target market for most people in businesses like Vemma are network marketers in other companies that have not yet made it big. Network marketers don't need to be convinced about the merits of the business model.

Put out marketing content that addresses network marketers' most pressing challenges, such as how to grow duplication or attract more leads. Use your marketing to position yourself as an authority. Some of your prospects will want to join your Vemma venture and buy other products you recommend.

- Make Use Of Social Media

Social media is websites that allow for an interactive dialogue. Over one billion people use Facebook, Twitter and Youtube regularly. This is a huge amount of traffic and potential leads.

Surprisingly, the large majority of social media users are adults, not children or teenagers. It's vital you have a plan to use social media to build your Vemma business. You're going to need to keep up with network marketers using social media effectively.

A lot of reps in companies such as Vemma misuse social media. Over-eager distributors throw content onto the social media sites that's far too promotional and hype-focused. Here's how to use social media as a marketing platform for your Vemma opportunity:

- Social media is like a party.. If you met someone at a party, would you immediately start telling them how great your network marketing deal is? Of course not. Then don't do it on social media sites. Do not lead with your opportunity first, on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

- Focus first on connecting with people. Cultivate a relationship.

- Position yourself as a trusted authority by posting only valuable instructional content on social media sites.

- Someone's Facebook wall is NOT the place for you to post about your opportunity. Never post Youtube videos that just promote your opportunity but don't teach anything valuable.

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