
How To Make Money In Body By Vi

By Ricardo Interpermian

Body By Vi network marketing reps: Forget chasing friends and family. Learn how 7-figure earners build huge businesses using tactics rarely taught at live events and on Body By Vi webinars.

If you seek to become a top earner, you need a way to promote to thousands of people- not just to the small number of friends and family network marketers are taught to approach.

You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:

- Use A Funded Proposal

Building a Body By Vi venture takes money. You need money for advertising, educational tools and marketing systems. Ninety five percent of the people you prospect will not join your business. Every month you end up wasting money prospecting people that don't create income.

Wouldn't it be great if you got paid by all the people who did NOT sign up for your Body By Vi deal? A funded proposal does exactly this for your venture. A funded proposal is an economically-priced product you retail to cover your monthly expenses.

You introduce your Body By Vi venture on the back end to your retail customers. Good funded proposals are ebooks, educational courses and marketing systems designed for network marketers. Typically, a funded proposal costs $40-$70 and commissions are 30%-40%.

Get on the phone with your retail product customers. Provide some suggestions how they can make best use of the product they just purchased. when you step up as leader like this, people will regard you as an expert and naturally want to join your Body By Vi organization. You'll literally have people signing up for Body By Vi without prospecting!

- Define Your Target Market

By deciding who is your target audience for your Body By Vi business, creating marketing is a lot simpler. Make decisions about:

- What sort of person makes the best prospect for your Body By Vi opportunity?

- What business problems keep them awake at night?

- What can you offer that solves their problems?

- What are the websites where your audience tends to spend time?

You can fine-tune your marketing and create much bigger results after you've clarified who is your ideal audience. Defining your target market and its needs allows you to define your marketing pieces. Figuring out what the topics of your blog posts, emails and videos becomes very simple.

Most of the time, people in opportunities like Body By Vi target the wrong sort of people. They usually focus on people who need money and are a little desperate. Stay away from people with no money.

The best target market for most people in businesses like Body By Vi are network marketers in other companies that have not yet made it big. Network marketers understand the business model and have demonstrated a willingness to spend money on a business venture.

Market with instructional content that solves the problems network marketers face, such as running out of leads. Market in a way that positions you as a trusted expert. A portion of your audience will seek you out to join your Body By Vi venture.

- Match Your Marketing Methods To Your Temperament

It's common for new marketers in companies like Body By Vi to market like their upline- whether or not this strategy suits their temperament. This can be a big source of frustration for people.

Market Body By Vi in a way that matches your skills and personality. If you market in a way that's congruent with your personality, you'll reap a lot of advantages:

- You are likely to be much more consistent in your marketing efforts.

- Not only will your personal satisfaction increase, you are likely to work harder too.

- Your skill at doing tasks you enjoy is likely to be much higher than your skill at doing tasks you dislike.

It's important to decide whether paid strategies or free promotional strategies suits you. Paid traffic strategies can be very effective if you have the funds. Popular paid strategies include:

- Solo ads in ezines, which are online magazines

- Advertisements on Facebook

- Images ads (also called banner ads

Free traffic takes more time to develop, though over time it can add up to a lot of traffic. Some free methods are:

- Social media marketing with Facebook and Twitter.

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