
Good Church Sound System Design Clarifies Words And Music

By Marylou Forbes

Nearly all bodies of worship congregate in a central location, which may include elaborate, soaring spaces reminiscent of cathedrals, or unassuming strip mall storefronts re-purposed for meetings. No matter what room is used, its acoustics determine whether or not the experience is inspiring or irritating. Good church sound system design encourages enthusiasm, while poor acoustics create fatigue and frustration.

Most people have experienced discomfort in rooms having problems with amplification, and understand how elaborate amplification setups may eliminate some problems, but can make others worse. The volume may be fine in one area, but ear-shattering across the room. Voices might be loud, but impossible to clearly understand. Podium speakers may seem far away or disembodied, or else obscured by embarrassing, ear-shattering feedback.

Some congregations must cope with too much reverberation, or meet in a room so deadened with panels and carpeting that all echo disperses. The people sitting up front may hear adequately, while those back a few rows might feel that they are not even present. Some microphones pick up spoken words reasonably well, but cannot handle the extended frequency range of music, creating irritating overtones, distortion and muddiness.

Although some members attempt to fix the problem on their own, acoustical fine tuning often requires the help of a professional analyst and designer. Even though most congregations are self-funded, the final cost of a newly-designed audio configuration is only one of the factors critical to choosing a new acoustic setup. Without determining the real causes of problems, spending on speakers or microphones may be wasted.

Good analysis relies on digital electronics for critical measurements, and the human ear for final judgments. Every room has its own unique acoustical footprint, and that can be determined best using specialized audio reference software. Spots that encourage echo or that swallow certain frequencies can be eliminated, creating a dynamic range that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but which is also universally audible.

Many rooms require more than one speaker, and that can create regions where there are acoustic hot or cold spots. When properly balanced and timed, those spaces are eliminated, providing clean signals to every single location. Calibration may be difficult to achieve without the proper equipment, but an experienced consulting and installation firm takes the guesswork out of optimization.

Most services are a combination of speech and music, and a well-designed configuration should be able to reproduce both equally well. Speech amplification needs microphones that clarify specific types of output, but those same devices must also be capable of reproducing musical tones without listeners noticing or complaining. Both speakers and microphones should be chosen based on reputation, not necessarily on cost.

Professional installation can help ensure that there are no inadvertent electrical errors that may violate local codes, or that may cause inductive humming noises. The process also includes properly concealing all the wires and connections, and making sure that any hanging speakers are not a safety hazard. Most consultants will also train designated church members in electronic control panel operations during services.

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