
An Understanding Of African Ministries

By Sharron Cantu

The African continent in its current state has 54 recognized states and is recognized to be the most populous continent. Its reputation also includes a number of war torn countries, massive rates of unemployment, poverty and many more/other problems associated with under-development everywhere in the world. However the inhabitants are very religious from years of missionary activity and this is reflected in the high number of African Ministries in the continent and their huge role in challenging the said problems.

The two main categories of ministries found in Africa are the religion related and the government based. Both kinds of ministries are different mainly due to their structures of leadership and the kinds of roles they are meant to perform. These organizations in Africa play a significant role in spearheading development in various sectors and thus have their work interdependent on each other.

The two categories of ministries vary in a few ways. These variances include for instance a drift in leadership structure in that church ministry normally have clergy men as leaders while government ones are run by elected heads. Moreover in the case of the structure employed by church ministry there is direct engagement of the society as in government ministry its structure is seemingly incoherent with the community. Individually the two perform unique roles.

These organizations in government play legally defined and very public roles normally formed through legislation. The roles they play comprise of redistribution of resources justly, management of development projects, providing citizens with security in addition to quality medical services. It is important that they ensure service provision is free and fair.

Church ministry has various diverse roles assigned to each depending on the aim of the church. The common ones include offering a voice for the community to be heard, partnering with international donors, and financial administration of aid to local groups in addition to assisting in development of regions. The activities however consider the law of the land.

The roles given to denominational based could be grouped into two, either development roles or religious duties. The development roles include being a voice to the community i. E. Airing the various needs of the people, working hand in hand with various organizations to acquire funds and finally to administer them to individuals in form of aid to individuals and self-help groups. The religious roles of this ministry include spreading their religions and converting people into believers, conducting prayers and offering training to new religious leaders.

They are based along religious ties do work that can be either based on religious reasons or development reasons. Religiously this can be spreading of Christianity and preparation of local religious clergies. Development wise it involves building academic institutions, hospitals, provision of professionals such as teachers and providing sponsorship for needy children to universities. Ministry therefore complement government initiatives.

Despite the trials faced, work done by the ministry is important and the two key players will continue working hand in hand for a better Africa

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