
Latest News On Celebrity Gossip Is Priceless

By Sally Delacruz

Sometimes people become quite bored within their own lives and they need something new to focus on. This is when they will obtain the latest news on celebrity gossip. Individuals enjoy reading about rich and famous people who are having all kinds of problems.

It may take some time for a person to obtain all of the tabloid magazines that are on the news stand. After purchasing all of these writings someone can find a nice quiet place to sit and read about Howard Stern, Colin Firth, David Letterman, Kim Kardashian or even the very sexual Madonna.

The Kardashians have only been around for a short time but they have made quite an impact on this world. Every little girl within the United States loves to act and dress like Kim and her sisters. Kim even married the thug named Kanye West after they had a baby together. For days the media talked about their expensive wedding.

Colin Firth was one actor who had looks and charm several years ago. Nowadays he looks like he is suffering from anorexia nervosa since he is so thin. This once handsome male looks like he has a severe eating disorder which is making him very unattractive.

"Mama Mia, " showed him as the perfect alpha male who had a good physique for women to stare at. Unfortunately Tom Ford told Mr. Firth that he was fatter than Oliver Hardy and this was a huge mistake. Colin Firth decided to exercise non stop until he was as thin as a rail. Once again Hollywood and America has wrecked yet another English actor.

Back in America Howard Stern is causing all types of problems for his co-hosts on the show "America's Got Talent." Mr. Stern is seen as a troublemaker who has a diva attitude and really has no respect for other people. It seems that this man turned into another Hollywood turd when he divorced his first wife and married a much younger woman.

There is a rich black woman named Oprah Winfrey who is currently living within the Chicago area in America. She loves to eat at fancy restaurants and shop at very expensive stores. Ms. Winfrey could care less about her poor family members and most of them do not have two nickels to rub together. The media has informed everyone about her current feud with her stepmother.

Mr. David Letterman is another unattractive male living in the United States who has made millions of dollars. Recently he was let go from his television show because of his past sexual escapades with very young girls. David Letterman had a habit of only hiring women since he wanted to sleep with them. Many of his male workers never liked him and they were very happy after he was terminated.

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