
Knowing All About Musicals Phoenix

By Sally Delacruz

Arizona residents always look forward to the various plays that their local theatre will produce. Musicals Phoenix, Az are very popular with everyone living within this state and there are so many to choose from. Whenever someone visits The Herberger Theater Center they will be delighted to know that "My Fair Lady, " "Beauty and the Beast, " "The Phantom of the Opera, " "Mama Mia, " "Hairspray" or "Grease will be featured there.

Everyone around knows the story of Belle and her struggles to overcome the dangers in life. She is a head strong young woman who is the main character in "Beauty and the Beast." Unfortunately an evil male named Gaston is after her hand in marriage. Belle has very little luck with men since she eventually moves in with a man who is now a monster. This former handsome prince made the mistake of angering an enchantress who turned him into a beast.

This is one play that comes to life with a variety of tunes that will make anyone sing and dance. It had quite a successful run during its time in Arizona. Walt Disney had the good sense to produce an animated film about this play. "Be Our Guest, " is one of the songs within the cartoon movie.

Another tale that people enjoy is the musical called "The Phantom of the Opera." This is another tale which spotlights a young damsel in distress who is destined to love a man who has a horrible scar upon his face. The audience is treated to many songs within this show which focus on horror and romance.

Many young men consider it an honor to play the role of the Phantom since some famous actors have played the part. The Herberger Theater Center will give young actors the chance to step into the part which made Michael Crawford famous. It is indeed an honor for them to sing "All I Ask of You, " during this particular production. Another play called "Mama Mia, " is well loved by women and men everywhere.

Once again this play features a woman that is living with her very promiscuous mother. Years ago her mom had sexual relationships with three different men at the same time. The young lass finds out that one of these men could possibly be her long lost dad. During this entire production everyone is singing the tunes of AABA. Arizona people truly know all the words to "Dancing Queen."

As soon as Hollywood realized that this play would be a success they made plans to turn it into a feature film. During the year 2008 the movie production made a huge sum of cash. Luckily people could sit and watch the movie in peace the first time around. Unfortunately they had to listen to the other audience members sing when the film was released a second time.

The film industry attached all of the lyrics to each song when the movie was sent back to theatres. Many residents in this state like to watch the crazy music comedy "Hairspray" while others prefer the zany classic play "Cabaret." Both of these titles are great.

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