
Working With Illustrators In Maine

By Essie Osborn

Working as an illustrator is a wonderful job. Those who are talented with a paint brush or pencil can create a career as a free lancer, working with individual clients on a number of projects. Those who do not have as much artistic ability can also find a lot of work using computer generated graphics software. This field is growing fast and holds many excellent opportunities.

On the other hand many books that have a really well designed cover are bought and read simply because they stood out. When someone visits the library or book store they have so many choices it can be very difficult to make a decision. Often it is the book with the bright colors and interesting design that really catches peoples attention. Those who have work that needs graphics should look around for illustrators in Maine who have a lot of experience and really know the market.

Just about every piece of writing is accompanied by some type of images. This can be a simple one page notice or invitation all the way up to a lengthy piece of work or book. Having the very best illustrations can help everything to reach a wider audience. It has been proven many times that the human eye is attracted to certain colors and designs more than others. Those who study this often do better in their work.

Softer muted colors are easier on the eye. They tend to convey feelings of calmness and harmony. On the other hand very striking images can be too much and may actually put readers off before they have time to move on to the written part of the message.

It is quite amazing that certain styles are still as popular today as they have been for hundreds of years. One classic example is the script and design of the middle ages. This style was originally developed by monks to illustrate their gospel writings. Their amazingly detailed works are still admired today and their style is often imitated. There is just something very timeless about it that still appeals to the human brain today.

Careful line drawings or delicate water colors are often appropriate for children's books. The young eye and brain is simply not ready for too much bold and bright color. Young children will often spend hours looking at a beautifully illustrated book with simple text. They want to find every detail in the work and a good illustrator really understands this and responds to the child's

A good children's illustrator is very aware of exactly what appeals to a young child. They will often spend time studying child psychology to learn what is appealing to the young mind. Creating beautiful works that help to foster qualities such as imagination and creativity are so rewarding. There is always a need for talented artists to work on high quality materials for the younger audience.

Many great illustrators work on a free lance basis. They can be hired for an individual project or for a series of books. Each one has their own unique style and can really be a huge influence over the success or failure of a project.

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