
The Beautiful Melodies Of Kosmoratik Band

By Anita Ortega

The element of layering has been used in different art forms where the same word or image gives different messages. Kosmoratik began as an experiment in Oslo on how the same element can be applied in music. This was the year 2011 when the trio of Lise Lotte, Eivind Johansen and Odd Gunner began working together.

The first album by the band hit the airwaves in 2012 and was a great hit. Its title was gravitation and was a successful blend of classical rock and symphonic pop. This resulted in sincere and epic melodies. The most prominent sounds in their tracks are acoustic guitar, oboe and string quartet. The sounds are combined in an expert way to produce what is described as delicious melody by listeners. Such excellent work has won the group following across generations.

Following the success of the first album, the second was eagerly waited. It came under the title Bridges and Boats with a fresh and innovative approach. It was an incredible borrowing from the 60s and 70s pop style which was psychedelic. This music managed to identify and communicate the feelings of listeners in this era. There was intentional use and combination of words, sounds and melody.

The themes explored by music from this band are complex. They are able to communicate a different message on the surface and behind the words on their lyrics. The borrowing from symphonic pop and incorporation of the element of pop makes their music to stand out. It is not the traditional pop but an inventive rock with classical affiliation.

Eivind Johansen has been a pillar of the group since formation. He is known for his prowess in arranging for string instruments. He is able to capture the large wind ensemble and expertly combine these elements to produce excellent sounds. His ballads are moving and combine different sounds to produce smattering pop appeal.

Gunner has also been instrumental in the success of this band with his skills on the guitar. He also is honored for his multiple talents as an instrumentalist and arranger. He has assisted Johansen to produce the classical symphonic rock that is characteristic of the band. On the vocals is the naturally talented Lotte Lisa who can seamlessly transition between classical jazz and alternate rock. She has an excellent voice that allows her to maintain the attention of listeners.

The first album captured a large audience for the group in different parts of the world. Their performances are usually sold out and full to capacity. They endeavor to continue producing fresh tunes with something unique in every track. Some of their strongest influences include John Martyn and Nick Drake. The groups that have influenced their performance include Beatles and their magical pop.

There is a lot of poetry in the lyrics of the songs by the band. This influence comes form renowned poets like Rumi and Hafez. Music by this band is available online to buyers or for the purpose of live streaming. Their music stands out because of layered lyrics that carry multiple meaning. The melody is endearing and supported by carefully selected sounds.

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