
Finding A Therapeutic Sound Project

By Jaclyn Hurley

A therapeutic sound project is being conducted in many cities in the US and other countries. This bio-feedback method uses sound, or more precisely frequency or vibration, to restore balance to the human system and thereby influence health on many levels. This alternative therapy offers help without pharmaceutical drugs, invasive surgeries, or drastic psychiatric treatments like electrical shock.

Medical research has shown how effective a positive attitude is toward maintaining health. It's been demonstrated that laughter is a wonderful stress reliever and mood changer. The emotional state of a person often dictates how well they will recover from a trauma or illness.

There are different kinds of resonance. Scientists know that humans, animals, and even plants respond to external vibrations. Sound therapy is based on the belief that everything has its own frequency, its own resonance. Atoms are in constant motion, colliding and moving closer and farther away from each other. Physicists say that this movement is the basis of all energy. Biofeedback tracks pulse, heartbeat, brain waves, voice patterns, and other indications of responses on the emotional, mental, and physical level.

This fascinating subject appeals to traditional customs and common sense, even if the technical terms and discoveries seem confusing. Almost everyone knows that a lullaby will soothe a child and send it off to sleep better than a pounding drum or a lively tune. People naturally move to a strong rhythm, tapping their feet or their fingers, while the sound of running water or sighing waves promotes relaxation.

Conditions that respond to this form of therapy include mood disorders. Adolescents often become 'moody' under the stresses of the many demands society places on them. Millions of people of all ages suffer from depression, which robs life of meaning and happiness. It's been proved that being depressed is bad for total health. Stroke victims or paralytics often fail to improve when they are really only emotionally crippled.

Many children have trouble focusing, learning, socializing, or communicating with their parents and their peers. It makes sense to try a gentler approach than medication, at least as a first response. Music has no side effects and has been proved to benefit people of all ages who need to engage, relate, or relax. It effects emotions, physical conditions, and mental states in people of all age groups.

Music, of course, is only one form of resonance. However, it's often the most familiar to those who need help, and it has been shown to be very beneficial in restoring mental and emotional balance. Actually, advanced resonance technology is a diagnostic tool as well as a therapeutic one. The belief is that every being has its own unique frequency, so an intensive program will be tailored to the individual.

When looking for a project in your city, do a general search online. You'll find background information to help you select a therapist for yourself or a family member. Evaluate alternative practitioners like you would medical doctors, checking references and credentials. There are different levels of therapy, from basic things like dance classes or guitar lessons to intense sessions with a bio-feedback technician.

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