
Adjust The Settings Of Jazz Tube Amps

By Gwen Lowe

If one is into playing soft music like something that is somewhat like blues or jazz, then he would need an amplifier that can actually produce a very clean sound that this kind of music would require. Of course he would be needing some jazz tube amps if he would want to play this type of music. If one is a musician, then he would probably be interested in this.

Now when one would want to play jazz music, he has to make sure that he has an amplifier that has tubes that can let out a sound specifically for this. So before he would play anything, he should first research on the amplifiers that are good for this type of music. Once he has bought it, then he can make some adjustments to get a nice tone.

Now the settings are extremely important simply because the settings are what would make the sounds. So the key here is to make sure that everything has the right settings so that it is possible to have the right type of tone. Now one of the important things that he should take note of would be distortions.

Now mainly, this kind of soft music does not make use of distortions like rock and heavy metal do because this type of music is slow and calm. So in order to get that blues sound, one has to make sure that there is very minimal distortion or none at all. What he would want is a smooth sound with not much effects.

Although it is a general rule that guitar players in this genre would not use distortion, there are quite a bit of bands who would actually use it. The difference here is that they know how to set it at a minimal level. So basically, their distortion sound is very subtle and only can be heard a little bit.

Now in order to give it a really good tone, then one has to also think about the other settings as well. Now one noteworthy thing to notice about the settings of blues music would be that the bass level would be much higher than the treble. The reason behind this is simply because if the treble is at a high level, the sound is painful to the ears.

Now the technique here is to put as little treble as possible and a lot of bass. So up the bass level quite high probably level seven and above. Now the treble should be put either at number five or a little bit less but never less than three otherwise there will be sounds that will be missing.

So by following these settings, then one will be able to get that jazzy sound that he would want. Now these settings are only standard settings that a lot of jazz players would follow. However, one can tweak the settings a bit and adjust the sound so that one will be able to get his own flavor when he plays the guitar.

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