
A Guide To The Power Of Art

By Jaclyn Hurley

People can be cynical about art. However there is a lot of great artwork out there in the world. Whether it is a hand crafted sculpture or a watercolour there are many ways in which a work of art can have an effect on people. In short it is worth knowing the power of art and how it can affect us in a number of ways.

Of course it is debatable what people define as art and what people believe to be powerful. For example a lot of people may be derisive about the works of Andy Warhol. They may feel that the creator of pop art who famously declared that one day everyone would be famous for fifteen minutes was in fact more of a marketing creation than he was an artist.

For other people he was a key part of the pop culture movement of the sixties. As well as his influence on art he was also very influential in the fields of music, fashion and film as well. Salvador Dali is another excellent example of someone whose surreal artwork was initially criticised but has since become influential in terms of famous surreal imagery.

The idea of something being powerful is something that can be debated. In terms of films an image can often stay in your mind. Sometimes these powerful images can also be controversial such as the iconic Nazi propaganda piece Triumph of The Will or the DW Griffiths silent epic about the rise of the Ku Klux Klan The Birth of A Nation.

Naturally art will affect people in different ways. What one person is inspired by a person can also be bemused by. Often the meaning of an artwork can be lost and people may not fully appreciate this on the first viewing of a piece. In other cases it may be that somebody gets the message but does not like the style. A good example of this is Bristol based anonymous graffiti artist Banksy. When his stencil work was first exhibited it was considered a nuisance and was quickly removed. Over time it has since become something that celebrities have spent thousands on at auction.

Another way in which art can be powerful is in how it can change lives. It is often a way for people who would ordinarily have trouble expressing themselves finding ways to communicate their feelings through the artwork. It is often used as a method of therapy especially when people may be shy and resistant to more orthodox methods of therapy.

Banksy is of course one in a long line of artists using art as a way of making statements. Arguably he is the descendant of the modern art methods of Andy Warhol. His approach was very much about how art had become commercialised and used commercial methods such as print making to create his work.

The good thing about the internet is that it is now easier to share art with people around the world. Whether you make your own pieces or you want to share your favourite works with other people there are lots of ways to learn more about the diverse styles of artwork available around the world. It is also worth checking to see what exhibitions and pieces are available in your local area.

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