
Writing Crime Thriller Novels And More

By Leticia Jensen

When you have a lot of vague ideas in your mind for stories and other writing projects, it is exciting to see the finally start to develop into something cohesive. Suddenly, you have a book on your hands. Perhaps it is the first in a series of crime thriller novels, or an autobiographical account of your childhood. Maybe it's a books of poetry. Whatever the nature of your project, you will need some guidelines for staying on track and maintaining your motivation.

1. Figure out your best process. Decide whether you write better at a particular time of day. Figure out if you work best by creating and following a plot outline, or whether you need to come up with characters first. Maybe you just want to start writing and see what comes out. When you figure out your most productive writing process, it will be easier to stay in your groove.

2. Find a mentor for your project. It is extremely helpful have the guidance of someone who has experience as a published writer, especially if they have written in the same genre in which you are working. You can benefit from your mentor's expertise and get his or her opinion on your writing.

3. Save everything. As you are working, there will be passages, or perhaps entire chapters, that you decide do not fit into your vision for the book. Rather than discarding them completely, simply set them aside. You may find, once you get further in, that they do have a place in the book. Also, the may fit into future projects.

4. Step away and take a break when you need to. Sometimes you need a few days of working on something else, or a break from writing altogether. The break may even last for a couple of weeks or more. This is alright, as it can allow you to see your work with new eyes when you return.

5. Have more than one person read your drafts. While you should certainly show them to your mentor, you will want to consult other people as well. It is a good idea to get as many different opinions as possible, and to ask lots of people for their suggestions. This may help you to reach and speak to a larger audience of readers.

6. Decide on a strategy for publishing and marketing. Traditionally, authors have submitted query letters and sample chapters to publishers in the hopes of having their books picked up. However, self publishing has become another viable option. There are services through which you can self-publish and print your own books, as well as electronic publishing, which allows you to self-publish e-books through sites like Amazon. This can sometimes be a lucrative venture.

Take the excitement you feel at the beginning of your project, and use it to motivate you throughout the course of getting it finished. There may be moments when you no longer feel as thrilled about it as you once did. In those times, look back over this list. Speak to your mentor, or take some time away, but make sure you come back to the project eventually!

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